Monday, October 16, 2017

The voice of reason

I know that my hundreds of fans will have the impression that I am an advocate of President Donald Trump. I am not. I like the truths he tells and I hate the liar he ousted but he is a politician.

For want of an alternative viewpoint I can only point to this alternative:

I have never heard a racist comment from the President. Hitler would have killed all his wives and all his children. That doesn't prove anything but it is still the truth. So would have Stalin.

Compare him to Hillary Cling-on and the Chimpanzee. As for President Obama he never sorted out anything as far  as I know and he was a yes-man to the Cling-ons. I may be wrong but it is yesterday now and if he has anything to say about my words he is still free.

I read the article linked and am going to let you read it for yourselves and make no comment. Meantime I am thinking about the silence in heaven after one of the seals or scrolls was opened.

What do you suppose all that was about?

Revelation 8: 1 And when he opened the seventh seal there came a silence in heaven for a half-hour.
What can you make of that?
Half an hour in a theatre of war isn't very much. If it means half an hour with a day for a year it still isn't much. Long enough to lose or win a battle six months  is about the time from the attack on Normandy in WW2 to the retreat at Falaise depending on how you count the logistics. How long was the overall battle of Kursk from building the earthworks to the retreat of the Third Reich?

What else could it be?
Half an hour of Right Ascension is about 1/48th of an year and that is assuming the sun is the centre. It could be the earth or the galaxy or the known universe. I can't force any pieces in there. Best ask god.

Half an hour of a day of RA is about a week, just over. 365 / 48 = 7.60416666667

And an an hole just opened that I can force: The book of Revelation seems to go back and forth over human history. All human history takes place in seven days. After which god stepped back to admire his work and give the angels a chance to exult. ON the seventh day god rested but it doesn't say how long he rested nor does it specify what was going on when he rested.

What if he handed over power to someone else?
Or do you think he shut the shop and went on holiday all the Sabbath?

My job is done. I can leave you to answer that. Thanks god, that was very interesting. Illuminating in fact!

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