Wednesday, October 11, 2017


When I came across the term "slime" for the mortar used in building the first edifice, I wondered what it might have been.

If I'd come across this explanation I would have accepted it then.
Later I got to read about damp proof course which in those days was made of asphalt, foil wrapped (coiled with a strip of thin aluminium.)

It turns out that asphalt is useless as a damp proofing material although pretty good for ships (with certain limitations.) With time, asphalt is squeezed out of brickwotk and allows the weight of the building to slip. In most cases this is harmless and enough insulation remains to provide reasonable damp proofing.

But you wouldn't want to build a tower with it. Apparently they used the asphalt to make lime, the premier building material for the Victorians bricklayer who used a mix of coarse sand and lime "putty" for mortar. I presume the effect of pozzolans was well known, even back then.
It is hard to imagine they were not.

Assuming that sex and music was the only entertainment even in their relatively short lives, the lack of television would mean that most people were well read. Imagine if people were really capable of longer lifespans. What might they accomplish without TV to brainwash them?

By the time of Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian emperors were excavating deep into the alluvium beds to build their city as the centre-piece capital. Can you imagine they had no idea how to get more out of clay?
Which in case you hadn't guessed, is the same thing as alluvium which bears a striking resemblance to the word aluminium.

How would you like a towering inferno build with aluminium, you know it makes smness.

OK; I may be wrong:
New International Version
They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly." They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.

But note the word: thoroughly. Does that mean they burnt the brick or almost burnt them, or that they built with engineering thoroughness?
For a sort of monkey?

Talking about monkeys; if you were a Presidential chimpanzee, do you know what the very last thing you would do?

It would be the depth of daft to ask a religious leader for advice about invading Iraq.
Or in this case: Not.
Some advice about messing around with god:

Ask for signs -small ones,that don't kill lots of people!
I dare say the same goes for lesser politician, especially if they are planning building with iron mixed with partly moulded clay.

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