Friday, October 27, 2017

My two witnesses

Suppose that you are one of the couple of dozen or so of my followers. Let us assume you are one of even fewer people that have read all of my posts since: and enjoyed the quirky unbelievableness of the posts enough to look forwards to them and have even gone back a few pages to read more.

Then suppose I told you something unpalatable about me or if you found something I said is wrong?

What if I told you I was a girl or a religious maniac. OK; it is perfectly obvious one of those things about me is true. Only a true religious maniac would use foul language and expect you to believe him. Or do I?
The truth is that I am really a girl masquerading as a man.
What difference does it make?

You still believe me about the weather and stuff, don't you?

What if I was to tell you that I am really Dr Judy Wood and that I really want to talk to you about the things that happened about 16 years ago?
And that I can't use video because I am trying to keep me a secret.

Well I can't use video but I can't because I have never learned how to and have no one to show me how to. It would make typing this stuff a lot easier I assume.
And I will empower my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for a thousand two hundred sixty days, clothed in sackcloth."

I don't know what this means, of course I do but it could be anything. And one witness could have seen the start and the other is here now. We are told to make a guess and it will come true for us.

Whatever, I guess. Whatever I guess?

No! I have to make the pieces fit, it is not my schematic. First of all, it is not geological time for we don't know how old the earth is (since the 1940's we had proof that radio dating can not be relied on matter is being continually recreated by fusion.) So is it 3.45205479452 years?
or 1,260 days for years, 1,260 years?

That is back in Norman times for Britain, near the time of the Saxons but still predominantly a Saxon era, nearly a thousand years before Britain became an empire. All I can say is that people were still full of hate back then and they all had one high Priest-King in Rome. Nothing to do with god, really.

It is still the same time period as the forecast about : The woman
The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.

Can it be 1260 millennia, and what is that about her "might be taken care of"?

That takes us past human history back to geological time. But you like to hear stories about fairies or you wouldn't have read this far. Do people read this far?
Or do they give up on me, I can't tell. I still have six follower on twitter so I shall continue.

This is for my six witnesses.
I have to pack in soon, my eyes are fading into a "stroke" pattern. A good day to go. But first a cup of tea.
Or maybe I still don't have any followers, just half a dozen people who hit the button once to see what I was doing then neglected to drop me and now never see my site -in which case I can say what I like even start swearing again.

So now god has revealed to me I am free from the constraints of other people. What has he got to tell me about his witnesses?

Back soon, maybe.
Damn! 8 views. One more than the intro:

What bloody fool is the nosey-parker?
I had better go and get my pills. It is still a nice day and I still have to sort out my pills and I want to go and walk on fallen leaves once more, at least. So whilst I wait for god to tell me what he means about those two witnesses...........

Loks like I am going to stay Google is having problems. (What more proof do you need it is Bogoslof erupting?)

I wonder if god is telling me it is urgent and can I force his hand until he shows me what this means? I really do want another mug of tea and maybe a wash before I dare more.

God to tells me what he means about those two witnesses. I may be wrong but it has to have happened before. When was the most striking example. There were several in the book of Daniel the one about the terror weapon was a  perfect micrcosm example.

Daniel and his companions led exemplary lives all based on this time of the end and the dramas all unfolded to explain to the observant things being even now revealed to us. And now I am revealing to you all, so that you need not be afraid of these things to come, for they will all be swiftly past. Open your eyes wide to not miss a thing.

The king was looking for a man to attest what was to come.
Daniel bore witness to the drama.
Nebuchadnezzar realised the truth of it and gave him grandure even a shaer in his kingdom.
Both went on to tell of these things.

Thus the first two witnesses were of priests and king.
It happened again when Nebuchadnezzar had another dream again with a political device being destroyed. Do you get the picture now?

He had a dream about a length of time (that's the angels getting the first draught.)
Daniel was able to explain it and attested to the King's illness for a time period where he was to be driven out of the road of man.
It happened for all to see and incidentally covered the same span of time.
Nebuchadnezzar was struck with madness and his kingdom given to his son.
When he recovered the second witness were both kings and Daniel.

I am pretty sure that god means this stuff. If I am wrong by all means correct me. I don't think I am. It is so beautiful, even to the point of nobody realising it is all taking place right now -just as the king never realised.

And thus it can be seen the the king -Priest is coming unseen in the clouds. What brilliant analogies. I take my hat off to you god you are superb.

And this is how we can catch the terrorists right now. They are using a device based on the Neutron Bomb invented in the Reagan time and hastily spirited away in the deep state where the expenses can be found still today.

The weapon used to hide the money laundering was used in the Pentagon on 9/11 and that was the reason for the cover story. The firemen were not supposed to die and that is the reason George the Thickest lost all interest in politics. If you ask me, he would like to make a confession and I think he may do when his father dies and he is near death himself.

I wonder if god will wait for that.

In case I have not explained it properly the fire-storm that took place was a self immolation of the buildings reacting to the exothermic metals in them by sublimation when the updraught took the aluminium and steel particles small enoug to sublime.

As proof the winds all went in the same direction as they will each time they use the device and god's angels are opening the great river right now so that we can find out what they are doing and all the kings of the earth are going to be exposed for what they have done. All of them. God have mercy on us all!

I got the answers to all this, just now by asking god for them and as proof of this I asked for the word I couldn't recall: "sublime" and he gave it immediately -quick as thought. Nothing remarkable about that, except when you have stroke and the pressure of searching for something is intense and hampers all effort to think.

I am not hoping to convince you. I am content that it added to my faith and strengthened me to say that there is something going on with this weather that is similar to 9/11. You are all going to be witnesses to this. So go to to your vesion of god and beg him to tell you more and he will.

You can not curse me on this as I am immune to cursing. They will turn out to my benefit. All you can do is suit yourself to the occasion and become as adept as I am. I am sure that he is offering to make things right for you too, if you ask him to. Just hold out your hands and don't close your eyes. See the beauty in it all and get god to bless you.

Thanks father. Sorry for everything help me make amends and please forgive me.

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