Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Blanking off

I stopped posting to the premier weather site that was designed with the freedom of speech in mind not because the Internet had grown up and given is images and videos. I left because the users in the forum had all developed a censorship fixation.

To the making of many books there is no end and all that you need is a good heart to better yourself. I was pushing my narrative to people who were not listening. And me still thinking surely they are interested in geo-physics.

I was not dealing with reality. The reality is that you can not have an Internet that opertates on exclusion clauses. And paramount to that you can not have a forum that is set to exclude some members. Granted you should not have to listen to what you consider garbage and I found that pushiing my ideas was being treated as garbage.

But I was a foul mouthed horror that most people find repulsive with an attitude. So because I was an arsehole spouting what was regarded as shit few people paid any attention. I had no intention of cleaning up my style. And I dare say that had I not had a stroke I would not have changed. What I have to say was pure gold not just the colour of shit.

Someone had shown me what caused blocking which is the key to meteorological development. But more than that in showing me the key I realised that the person had shown me that despite being repulsive, he was willing to show me things. What else was he willing to show me?


There are too many people that are victims of...

If there is one victim of anything, that is one too many. What is wrong with utopia?
And did I want to make people read my bad language just so that they could get ready for the next series of events?
I am not motivated by the desire to clean up my stuff. I am motivated by the fact that swearing is a waste of words and typing them out is time cosuming when you can't remember where the keys are and you have vision impairment so that you can't find the _ things.

And having been forced to accept my limitation I now find I am thinking a little clearer. Like it or not I have to accept that:
Cleaner = Clearer
Telling people what I think of them is counter productive and holding my tongue can feel nicer even though giving vent would appear to be stress relieving. It isn't. Giving stress is a dead end. Fancy learning how magic works before learning that cursing fails?
What a fucking idiot.

How many people are allowed to be victims in your world?

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