Sunday, October 15, 2017


I was wondering why we never get earthquakes in Britain. Thinking it might be that we are at the crossroads of all the winds that maybe any signal here is cancelled by all the others, like radio jamming I looked up other maritime regions:

I thought I'd hit a winner at first glance then I noticed New Zealand. South America too but I was wondering that over such a large continent so little cover?

Maybe they show to broad a line but New Zealand?

I don't think the South American ones get much shaking but some come pretty close to about the most active regions in the world. And the "Maritimes" a region in Canada are not even mentioned in Wikipedia. Come to think of it, there are a lot of places that are not on the ring of fire where the maritime weather isn't .

So has anyone ever come up with the reason why we have nothing?
I won't accept geology as a reason. Earthquakes, and volcanoes are the cause of geology and not the other way around!

So why am I able to identify clicks and whistles if the signals are being screwed?
Beats me!
I have no idea what volcanoes I am hearing nor if it is just the one of them. At the moment I am sure one is erupting with a lot of "fuel burn" but where I can't say. Anyone know a friendly neighbourhood Tinnite?

I am getting the white noise constant background of this:
along with the whistle just before I got up this morning about 7am BST. I was sleeping badly but had no severe aches (I often get aches especially neck twinges from old shoulder injuries)  I am feeling quite health or free of them at the moment but I was quite badly affected fore the last few days.

I never really notice when the pain stops just when it comes and annoys me. The same is true with tinnitus. I have not really gone into it. Where do I start?

I looked up ear tone and beside a long list of spam for ear medication (all the same brand!!! Damn them) there is only one forum. I suppose I will have to join it. This was supposed to be about geography but I see my monomania has done me over again. Can you get de ja vu with monomnia?

I'm buggered if I can. What I was wondering at the time was do the people who live in the same climate have the same experiences?

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