Saturday, October 28, 2017

Hurricanes hardly happen

Why hurricanes hardly happen:

It would seem that before a cyclone the system has to set up a sequence of events -they are going to love this on ukelele weather. Please excuse the pettiness, spite seems to have been the commanding engine of forums I visit. Such behaviour is typical of me and I confess, intolerable and unproductive.

The sequence of events is as I have explained elsewhere, such that the sweeping of the sea during an hurricane, leaves the saline residue, to warm the aftermath where  (in the Atlantic) it makes its way to cold water latitudes as the Gulf Stream.

Both continents have a gulf stream) where a thermal gyre is a matter for statisticians. This is an awful way to find and deal with any anomalies if it means that regions that have to deal with Hurricanes and Typhoons are to be considered as climate rather than meteorology.

This cold core continuum reaches northern shores of the Pacific and Atlantic where it becomes a part of the semi-permanent lows and withdraws a sizeable proportion of warm Arctic air from previous warm fronts supplied during volcanic eruptions.

The stuff then on leaving the colder confines of the Arctic proper thus allows the residue to lose itself in the thermocline eventually contributing to an ice build-up on the shores of the surrounding continents.

It does not help anyone that this all happens in relative secret compared to the impact tropical weather makes on the faily news. What else could such news be but failure?
The failure to consider what happens next in everyone's lives still continues to affect our lives no matter what is considered news-worthy by Hollywood and Fleet Street.

This cold weather meteorology is especially noticeable following highly charged volcanic periods where the upper atmosphere is easily convinced to shed considerable frozen super cool water.

These pictures are not easy to draw with the poor contrasts offered by Nullschool at the moment. A development of software is needed so that increments of wind speeds can be easily read globally. I suggest the use of increments in 5 nautical miles per hour.

Then, hopefully we can be shown you something more interesting as the whole world gets involved with our real climate instead of being fed a load of hog-wallow with nobody able to see for themselves.

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