Saturday, November 25, 2017


Snow or as in today's treat, sleet, is a phenomenon that is closely related to volcanic eruptions. How could it fail to be so, as the conditions provided are so similar?
The difference between sleet and snow being that there is enough of a temperature gradient to provide a slight breeze for sleet.
On the subject of eruptions we find that Bogoslof starts a new bout of eruptions this spell.

But that I want to talk about is how now is created. I am guessing the exactitude but the logic of the physics is a simple "must". There is no other way for it is there?
1, The same overcast with perhaps an inclination to show lenticular clouds something else shared with the stuff that relates to tornadoes. Am I going to fast for you I can write a lot more slowly?

2, No or little crosswind.

And 3, a drop in temperature. Snow must be linked to earthquakes too as the change in the weather is related to warm fronts. The larger the warm spell the larger the 'quake.

4, give me time to think of 4 and I will come back to you.

So how do you grow snow?

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