Friday, November 24, 2017

1600 Trump Drive

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue should be renamed in honour of the masterpiece manoeuvre President Donald J Trump and his team pulled off recently. And you all thought it was about:
The Russians?

There have been a couple of occasions when this sort of thing has happened to me and I am ashamed to say that I never handled either situation with an ounce of self control. Instead I always took the headless chicken approach and inflamed an already unreasonable situation. I did it time and again.

When Trump stood for election he had found out the type of person he was facing in the contest and let her have everything her own way. And with masterful precision handled all the contention, deflecting everything he couldn't defuse. And in case you ever forget, there was war on the streets of major cities in the USA, actual bloodshed not just rhetoric.
And it all began in the debates:

And ran on every major mainstream news broadcast (MSN) all day, every day. It was mind numbingly boring and depressing. Every second word was either Trump or Russia. One had to wonder what the news-people imagined they were accomplishing. What they were accomplishing was the master strategy:
Give a sucker enough rope and she will even truly break.

So then you start to wonder why the freedom of information requests were so lowly released, did they lack the staff to review and collate the information prior to releasing it?
Take a look at the way King Jehu used subterfuge. Giving everyone involved a chance to hang themselves is time consuming but not necessarily urgent.

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