I am watching Judicial Watch and wondering at the magnitude of destruction of the feet of the frightening edifice foretold by the prophet Daniel when it occurred to me that I might throw it open to the magic practising priests of today, after all they were originally at the tip of the head, knowing before Daniel, what was going on.
The Internet is a Great River all it's own after all. And if it one thing the forums at 4Chan is good at it is dealing with messages. Better than I do by far. I don't even know how to get hold of anyone unless one of them uses Twitter, do you suppose?
Well; it possible. All things are possible with god.
So what can I ask them to do that might tickle their interest?

Obviously I am not going to be able to tax a bear of very little brain with solving a mystery of the age but one never knows.
“When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.”
And while we are all waiting for the demise of Damrey with nothing much better to do, I wonder if I might explain?
When a system goes into lock-down all related systems respond to that system. In geo-physics the system is known as teleconnection. And whatever the energy value of the system has to share with all the others in the same unit.
So when the power of this storm is released the first evidence will come from the seismic record and the first registry will be inital swarms in places that have such swarms. The largest ones will register at some 80 degrees distant from the eye at the time.
The easiest way to gauge it all until the agencies responsible for not doing it wake up is to tie a piece of tape or chalk a line with a piece of tape, around a globe or something of that nature.
Then look for the lowest magnitudes that begin registering when the category of storm drops significantly.
The ideal is a tropical storm that drops every 12 or 24 hours or so. That way one can gauge against Beaufort Scales, the probabilities for developments. Of course one would have to imagine such things are feasible before one sets out to capture a flag do prominent.
What do you think?
Wouldn't it be funny if the whole Chimpanzee/Cling-on Cartelle were sent to gaol for the murder of 412 emergency workers
By 4Chan.
The Internet is a Great River all it's own after all. And if it one thing the forums at 4Chan is good at it is dealing with messages. Better than I do by far. I don't even know how to get hold of anyone unless one of them uses Twitter, do you suppose?
Well; it possible. All things are possible with god.
So what can I ask them to do that might tickle their interest?
They proved to have a flare for navigation capturing the flag recently. I wonder if anyone there might like to capture a fiery one?

Obviously I am not going to be able to tax a bear of very little brain with solving a mystery of the age but one never knows.
“When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.”
And while we are all waiting for the demise of Damrey with nothing much better to do, I wonder if I might explain?
When a system goes into lock-down all related systems respond to that system. In geo-physics the system is known as teleconnection. And whatever the energy value of the system has to share with all the others in the same unit.
So when the power of this storm is released the first evidence will come from the seismic record and the first registry will be inital swarms in places that have such swarms. The largest ones will register at some 80 degrees distant from the eye at the time.
The easiest way to gauge it all until the agencies responsible for not doing it wake up is to tie a piece of tape or chalk a line with a piece of tape, around a globe or something of that nature.
Then look for the lowest magnitudes that begin registering when the category of storm drops significantly.
The ideal is a tropical storm that drops every 12 or 24 hours or so. That way one can gauge against Beaufort Scales, the probabilities for developments. Of course one would have to imagine such things are feasible before one sets out to capture a flag do prominent.
What do you think?
Wouldn't it be funny if the whole Chimpanzee/Cling-on Cartelle were sent to gaol for the murder of 412 emergency workers
By 4Chan.
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