Monday, November 27, 2017


Superficially media Goblin seems to offer everything that modern journalism needs:

Critical independence
Security from Take Downs and
Pirate Bay like freedom of thought

Unfortunately they have taken an extremist road that can not be accommodated by the mass of we the general public. To use it you have to be a supergeek and such things are rare among people who are busy doing other things.

What it sets out to be is a truly interactive set of tools that combines everything you ever wanted in a presentation device. However it has run out of road in seeking to appeal to everyman, instead not even appealing to this one.

I can't even find the download link.

I presume this is because I need to get hold of it with Mageia's terminal: Konsole (a super-fast utility designed to make uploading as well as downloading easy, something I have never understood how to do.)

What they need to do is get it out the door.

And to do that they need to concentrate on being able to offer it to a popular distribution. Once someone like ABCDEFG-LinuxDistro gets hold of it and polishes the creaks out of it for their own user systems it will fly but until then, we are hoping someone is going to polish a turd.

Today's alternative media is crying out for such a thing. Maybe the now defunct Opera could get hold of it, there is still a remnant of core Opera operators at the Vivaldi browser. And Konqueror is begging for it. So what is the delay all about?

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