I have been going over some emails I sent to my Pussy and came across this rminder of how nuclear weapons interfered with the climate. Most people are ignorant of its effect. In fact I could never get any sort of a discussion about this stuff with anyone.
I presume it is all too easy to dismiss cranks even when theyare throwing away the baby with the bathwater:
It all boils down to the reason why the Russian hydrogen bomb test in
the early 1960’s produced a long lasting cold season the following
On the face of it there doesn’t appear to be a sensible reason for the delay. And then you look at the duration and repeat effect that produces the Aleutian and Icelandic lows.
The effect is similar to that of the eruption of Krakuatua in the 1880’s. The same thing probably occurred in 1815, with Tamboura. In fact each severe eruption would produce similar cycles. The certainty is that they would occur naturally enough with the period of Jupiter.
When it has a maximum declination South, that is when the effects of relatively minor eruptions become magnified. And with the fall-out producing the metallic oxides required to drop global temperatures, the seasons tend to be cold enough to build ice.
Although this year happens to be one such cycle where Jupiter’s declinations don’t reach maximum, it is one where the number of and VEI numbers of eruptions produce a great deal of fall-out. Although we are not liable to be getting major freezing this year, I think we will be getting a fairly snowy winter.
While it is unreasonable to expect any [particular one ] of the planets to have a larger effect on the earth than any of the others, the likely effect from two or three of the larger ones sharing synergy seems to be a fairly reasonable supposition.
Whatever the case it, won’t be too long before we get another chance to examine the proposition. Hopefully most of the old school will be dead by then. Not that I hold out much hope of their replacements having thinking faculties.

There would have been a lot of consternation and no lack of head-scratching over the sweat this lot induced.
To me this stuff was all self explanatory I did not see a need to describe the conditions and I would not have been very good at the job in any case. All the background stuff is so interesting that I fondly imagined I was taking with me everyone that was fit to follow me. But I hadn't realised that there was nobody that capable and that there hadn't been for a long time.
Some background:
All the Nuclear tests in the atmosphere produce a large eargquake immediately afterwards. You can find records of dates for these things The USGS even provides the lists of all international detonations on the same wevsite that holds the data for world-wide earthquakes.
Why would a man like me trouble himself even reminding his companions of this, I certainly never thought about restating the case with the proving evidence. Why the hell would anyone who is into this stuff bother doing that?
So Noon 20 November we has a Greenland High and subsequent to a volcanic eruption or about VEI <3~4, the warm fronts enter the mouth of the Norwegian Sea off antarctica.
I would have posted something about ice buid-up in the region if I was still active on uk.sci.weather.

They have had over ten years to think about what I have been saying and should have come up with more than studied indifference.
The bands of parallel warm and cold fronts indicate more earthquake swarming. Quite a lot of it judging by the length and duration of the stuff entering the Atlantic from the coast of North America.
Also notice the black fronts arcing across the Mid Atlantic Ridege on the eastern side of the chart. Along there with a front that could have bee a lot colderover Europe. Why was it not?

It is not the job of scientists to be ignorant and the idea that someone whose time has come will just go away if you ignore him long enough won’t wash.

If meteorology is intent on ignoring the gifts god gives then god will just find someone else to make use of them.
Warm with earthquakes I imagine, nothing to do with the clear weather as anticyclonic weathe is cold in winter because there is no cloud cover/it is falling down out of the top of the tropopause. (And bringing the ice with it.)

If it wasn’t so pitiable it would be funny.
A correction like this is the next step up from broken lines of fronts. Broken lines of fronts indicate old spells dying or new spells birthing. I am pretty sure that there was also a tornadic spell either in the USA or in some other continent as the system in the middle of the chart crossed between two anticyclones.

You can only do your best and leave the dead sheep to bury the dead sheep.
And this is where I choose to talk to you about something called jump-states. As well as the phenomena of vapour lock in closed plumbing systems it described the change in the array of forces seen in the escapement of water streams. Something called turbulence. It is a tightly organised system of energy loss that seemps complex as the values of change depend on the amount of rotation induced. Something that is easier to demonstrate than to describe.

Jesus said that the stones will cry out and they will be doing just that. For shame.
Suffice to say that you have to see it to believe it. A rotating system is far to complex for adiabatics. Meteorologists are at a loss to describe it but if you realise that the smoothness of fluid flow is controlled by the sum of all exterior forces involved with any series of systems, you can actually see how this stuff responds with earthquakes and eruptions.
I was trying to explain this to my pussy, back then. She decided to go and play somewhere else. Strange as it may seem, there is no pleasing some women. I am not particularly wise in the ways of the female But I would have thought anyone would be fascinated by this stuff.
Life is full of surprises.

But there is no hope for dead bleaters like them.
So here we ar watching compression taking place a year ago. And if we use hindsight we can look it all up. Maybe I will but what difference will it make now?
If you need convincing you will find out, if you don't understand you won't. Either way I don't think I will be told.

On the face of it there doesn’t appear to be a sensible reason for the delay. And then you look at the duration and repeat effect that produces the Aleutian and Icelandic lows.
The effect is similar to that of the eruption of Krakuatua in the 1880’s. The same thing probably occurred in 1815, with Tamboura. In fact each severe eruption would produce similar cycles. The certainty is that they would occur naturally enough with the period of Jupiter.
When it has a maximum declination South, that is when the effects of relatively minor eruptions become magnified. And with the fall-out producing the metallic oxides required to drop global temperatures, the seasons tend to be cold enough to build ice.
Although this year happens to be one such cycle where Jupiter’s declinations don’t reach maximum, it is one where the number of and VEI numbers of eruptions produce a great deal of fall-out. Although we are not liable to be getting major freezing this year, I think we will be getting a fairly snowy winter.
While it is unreasonable to expect any [particular one ] of the planets to have a larger effect on the earth than any of the others, the likely effect from two or three of the larger ones sharing synergy seems to be a fairly reasonable supposition.
Whatever the case it, won’t be too long before we get another chance to examine the proposition. Hopefully most of the old school will be dead by then. Not that I hold out much hope of their replacements having thinking faculties.

There would have been a lot of consternation and no lack of head-scratching over the sweat this lot induced.
To me this stuff was all self explanatory I did not see a need to describe the conditions and I would not have been very good at the job in any case. All the background stuff is so interesting that I fondly imagined I was taking with me everyone that was fit to follow me. But I hadn't realised that there was nobody that capable and that there hadn't been for a long time.
Some background:
All the Nuclear tests in the atmosphere produce a large eargquake immediately afterwards. You can find records of dates for these things The USGS even provides the lists of all international detonations on the same wevsite that holds the data for world-wide earthquakes.
Why would a man like me trouble himself even reminding his companions of this, I certainly never thought about restating the case with the proving evidence. Why the hell would anyone who is into this stuff bother doing that?
So Noon 20 November we has a Greenland High and subsequent to a volcanic eruption or about VEI <3~4, the warm fronts enter the mouth of the Norwegian Sea off antarctica.
I would have posted something about ice buid-up in the region if I was still active on uk.sci.weather.

They have had over ten years to think about what I have been saying and should have come up with more than studied indifference.
The bands of parallel warm and cold fronts indicate more earthquake swarming. Quite a lot of it judging by the length and duration of the stuff entering the Atlantic from the coast of North America.
Also notice the black fronts arcing across the Mid Atlantic Ridege on the eastern side of the chart. Along there with a front that could have bee a lot colderover Europe. Why was it not?

It is not the job of scientists to be ignorant and the idea that someone whose time has come will just go away if you ignore him long enough won’t wash.

If meteorology is intent on ignoring the gifts god gives then god will just find someone else to make use of them.
Warm with earthquakes I imagine, nothing to do with the clear weather as anticyclonic weathe is cold in winter because there is no cloud cover/it is falling down out of the top of the tropopause. (And bringing the ice with it.)

If it wasn’t so pitiable it would be funny.
A correction like this is the next step up from broken lines of fronts. Broken lines of fronts indicate old spells dying or new spells birthing. I am pretty sure that there was also a tornadic spell either in the USA or in some other continent as the system in the middle of the chart crossed between two anticyclones.

You can only do your best and leave the dead sheep to bury the dead sheep.
And this is where I choose to talk to you about something called jump-states. As well as the phenomena of vapour lock in closed plumbing systems it described the change in the array of forces seen in the escapement of water streams. Something called turbulence. It is a tightly organised system of energy loss that seemps complex as the values of change depend on the amount of rotation induced. Something that is easier to demonstrate than to describe.

Jesus said that the stones will cry out and they will be doing just that. For shame.
Suffice to say that you have to see it to believe it. A rotating system is far to complex for adiabatics. Meteorologists are at a loss to describe it but if you realise that the smoothness of fluid flow is controlled by the sum of all exterior forces involved with any series of systems, you can actually see how this stuff responds with earthquakes and eruptions.
I was trying to explain this to my pussy, back then. She decided to go and play somewhere else. Strange as it may seem, there is no pleasing some women. I am not particularly wise in the ways of the female But I would have thought anyone would be fascinated by this stuff.
Life is full of surprises.

But there is no hope for dead bleaters like them.
So here we ar watching compression taking place a year ago. And if we use hindsight we can look it all up. Maybe I will but what difference will it make now?
If you need convincing you will find out, if you don't understand you won't. Either way I don't think I will be told.

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