Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Fearing god

Let me get this straight, before the deep stuff:
Originally Lucifarians were what are now known as Unitarians, a branch of free thinkers that flourished in the early days of Protestantism, for example celebrity Isaac Newton was a Unitarian.

A few years before he was born a man might have been executed for such blasphemy as was the case in Spain in the days of George Borrow.  (I think.)
Is it any stranger than imagining an execution for religious beliefs in the Land Of The Free these days?

The term Lucifer means morning star as opposed to evening star, the guiding light of early navigation, co-opted to Christianity by apostle Paul. It was replaced in the days of Globalism called the Holy See nowadays known as Roman Catholicism (to distinguish it from the Church of England and similar versions.)*

A Lucifarian believes that Jesus was not god; that is, is not the god we call Yahweh or THELORD these days better known as Jehovah. The idea came about with the war between Arianism and unitarianism and the birth of the Antifa type mantra called the Apostle's Creed.

The Apostle's Creed, is a prayer or mantra like the salutation of the American Flag that is considered holy among Americans. I don't know how often one was suppose to cite it but asking someone to cite it was one way of determining if a man was a Unitarian or an Arian.

The difference being that Arians believe that Jehovah is the same god as Jesus, throwing in some extra confusion, they added the holy spirit to the equation.

Which is to say that I am a Lucifarian; there I have got that off my chest, thank god.

I am not a devil worshipper, far from it despite my bad language. Some years ago I began to ponder over what constitutes bad language and came to the conclusion that swear-words are derived from the sexual organs and from the lower intestines. Which called to mind the places where the words shit and sex or related phrases appear in the bible.

The ones I can think of are the discussion about seminal emission and washing to restore ceremonial cleanliness and the Proverb about bullshit or "the power of a bull."

Basically swear words don't appear in the Bible but the discussions about idolatry contain the words "dungy idol", that is shitty images.

I decided that I would not be ruled by superstition and that I am fee to say what I like. I don't believe the Creator or Jehovah needs to be protected from naughty words. Yes they are not necessary for communication but that is not the point. My point is that God is bigger than me and he can take care of himself.

I know I shouldn't use bad language but I can't believe that I would still be permitted to receive his spirit in order to function as a pseudo genius like I do.

Basically I could not understand why I was permitted to understand how earthquakes work despite absolutely every doorway to finding out how they work being actively fastened closed. I am talking about the communities of Meteorology and Geology. You wouldn't believe the efforts made by educated people to force me to desist my search.

Ad hominem attacks are well known these days but a couple of decades ago when the Internet was young, they were treated as appalling. Now anything goes. And I must say I prefer the maturity. The only thing is that children are admitted to the place, so....

There is no way of keeping the buggers out nor women, I am too young  (but only just) to remember the days when women were barred from most pubs that didn't have a second room for them and for cleaner conversation -as if women would be turned to stone if they heard bad language.

So if you are a woman or a child and my lapses into bad language upsets you I am sorry about it but I come with this territory.

Which is worse; polygamy or using bad language?
They are obviously bad to god, both of them and yet all the Kings of Israel were multiple bigamists despite it being against the Law.
(The law of Moses was the Israelite constitution. Some 3 or 4  hundred regulations that indicated how the judicial system was to operate.)
And the term "dungy idol" would have meant shitty idol in the time when it was first used, unless there is a distinction between the word dung and shit that I am unaware of.

God even asked his prophets to walk around without their clothes, one of them was even told to use human excrement to cook his food. What exactly was the nicest phraseology god would have used then?

Have you any idea how long ago it was that a man could be executed for his religion in Britain?

Would it surprise you to find that the ruling party in Britain at the moment is a coalition of MPs that were in such a conflict recently?

*Venus was an important star for all not just for navigators as it made it possible to build roads. The Evening Star was called Phosphor and the Morning Star was called Lucifer. Paul indicated its use as a guide for Christians and thus it became associated with us Christ Followers.

The day star rising is a reference to the end of the Sabbath an 8th day of Creation but it could also mean that once you get deep enough into the system you no longer need to be a follower as you have daylight, I think the wording allows for the term "light of your own" from god.

I just remembered why I only got a couple of hours sleep yesterday. I woke up with the idea that the term: fear of god is not quite the correct translation. We are not to be in fear of god so much as to be: in respect for god.

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