Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The United States Mid West

AKA Mississippi/Misouri the midwest valley is where the volcanic eruptions of the North Pacific fall out. Obviously most of the debris from volcanoes is spread over a very large ocean as it is the fish food of choice used by the angels. Any that enters the Arctic stays in the Arctic because a cill at the gate to the ocean stops the outflow.

The water on the other hand separates into the upper atmosphere the recent eruption in Asia of the Kamchatkan volcano Shiveluch with a very strong explosion sent an ash plume to 40,000 feet. That is the tropopause height as the ash seeds clouds of condensate  and falls back as dirty water.

This stuff can seal whole towns in it for thousands of years, meanwhile the rest of the water escapes into the upper layers. It has its own physics as I have written about elsewhere. But the reason that it all comes down at the mid west is there is a weather bar rather like a river channel sand-bar in the atmosphere caused by a break in the wave moving across the continent.

These wave-breaks are caused by acoustic flaws in the geography. Hills and mountains emit their own sound waves and river channels serve as an earth for the same thing. Both have the effect of causing diversions and changes in oscillation. It is a pity that HAARP has closed down as the sound monitors would provide proof of what I say. There may be other ways to construct a proof if only of circumstantial evidence.

Until then if you check out contour charts of the places that get tornadoes and the like, my declarations can be either verified or denied. Beware wanting to believe anything you read online. It has to be verifiable and it has to be useful before you waste your time on it.

Consider the organised slave trade and child trafficking still going on in the country:

Is this even possible:
or is it fake news?