Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Multi Decade Oscillations

Hard time difficult to real with are already here. Climate changers are out to dishearten you not for  money i doubt Michael Mann and Peter Jones have enriched themselves greatly even with the destruction of meteorology as a branch of Physics.

Michael Mann may have come by his doctorate dishonestly, he may even turn out to have meant well. Philip Jones was already in charge of the flowerpots in the University of East Anglia. He is still employed there but not in the position of trust he once commanded.

What the perverters of scientific integrity have ensured is that they are misleading the least stalwart of people, those who are easily led to believe frightening things about god. God doen't hate us Beer is proof of that!

Not only do we have beer from god but we get honey from him too to make beer with. And it is EASY!.
You make beer by letting sugared water go sour.

So the lord of the flies is leading you to believe we are heading for perdition?
This is not so, yes none of us are going to get out of this alive but nature taking its course with our mortal coils is sometning other than the end of the world.

Some miscreants would like you to bleive that the cause of our imminent demise is going to be the addition of 40 part per million carbon dioxide. You need 15% carbondioxide in the atmosphere before it will affect you. I am not very good at maths but i think that 15% is more like: 150000 parts per million rather than the 400 part it is these days.

When I was a young boy I was taught that the amount of carbondioxide in the air is 0.5 percent. It turns out that it is half that. Maybe I am misremembering what I was taught some 50 years ago or things have changed since we drained all the marshes and cut down all the trees?

The climate doesn't change, it never has. Historians playing in the Egyptian ossuaries have failed to show that  any changes have been made in the atmospheric balance since Joseph was a slave there.

What happens is that periodically for reasons meteorologists refuse to believe, the winters in some parts of the world get really cold whilst at the same time elsewhere they get hotter. Places that suffer forest fires tend to have hot desert withs fan them whilst here in Britain the advent of the occasionally snowfall in the middle of witer will cause all sort of havoc sometimes (rarely, thank goodness) reaching heights of one or two inches. In some years even more.

These thing tend to occur over one or two decades hence the term multi-decadal cycles. While there is a relationship wit the solar cycle attempts to explain it have met with redress. The reason is that today's astronomer with a panolply of instruments readily believes that the sun is a nuclear furnace and resisitant to all enquires of its nature.

You just can't keep a dumb arse down!

The solar cycle is related to the period of Jupiter a mere 2.2g ball one hell of a long way away. Other planetary periods join in the dance and it belongs to god to show us at his pleasure what is going on. This he has been pleased to do allowing us the explanation of continental weather  a simple three step beat that is easy to see in retrospect.

These are the basic configurations in the season for storms and the decade of eruptions on the North American continent. i am not very good at figuring out where the storms are to take plac but the eruptions seem to be pointed along the alignments of the Lows and Highs.
(Am not very good at the Highs)

There is also a lot to be done with the "pointing" of the Southern Hemisphere:

But that's another storey