From the NA-EFS, it looks as though an Alaskan volcano will be erupting for most of the spell covered by this run:

The first chart is from the 3 June 2017 and shows an irregular line of polar cyclones that are poorly formed but definite enough to indicate there origin to the west.

This is the first from today's run and shows little change in the system is forecast for the next 24 hours.

In 48 hours three lines of three adjacent polar lows have developed. Whilst the time period covered is only a 48 hour forecast the EFS is too volatile a model for concluding that this branch of science will pan out according to forecast.
The three lines run from Bogoslof to the east; from...
I m having difficulty interpreting these charts so having written for help from their owners I will await developments:
I m having difficulty interpreting these charts so having written for help from their owners I will await developments:
I am trying to explain a forecast using the NA-EFS of the sea-level pressures ( the map of North America used in the background seems to have been prepared by an imbecile. Is there a better version of your charts using a visible geographical connection. Thanks in advance, Mike.
Back soon or in this case: Later
(Prescient words of unlooked for wisdom.)Don't hold your breath it appears that I am dealing with expletives deleted
of the dawlish variety.
of the dawlish variety.