Tuesday, June 13, 2017

A load of bollocks

Oscillation (AMO) is a climate cycle that affects the sea surface temperature of the North Atlantic Ocean based on different modes on multidecadal timescales. While there is some support for this mode in models and in historical observations, controversy exists with regard to its amplitude, and in particular, the attribution of sea surface temperature change to natural or anthropogenic causes, especially in tropical Atlantic areas important for hurricane development.

By Rosentod, Marsupilami - http://www.cdc.noaa.gov/Correlation/amon.us.long.data, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4313165

If like me you are susceptible to fake news from the flower-pots powering the glowballs machine, you have to learn to look around corners to find the dead ends. You can use logic for this. Imagine you are a person like Donald Trump, who just doesn't have time for time wasters to pull the wool over your eyes.

You have to quickly find the "tells". To assist you to do this god has made you honest (mostly) so that you don't like to be fed on shit that keeps you in the dark:

The AMO signal is usually defined from the patterns of SST variability in the North Atlantic once any linear trend has been removed. This detrending is intended to remove the influence of greenhouse gas-induced global warming from the analysis. However, if the global warming signal is significantly non-linear...
Here comes the bullshit. What actually happens in this case is that I already know the answer. (I asked god about it and I got very angry at the answer, for a while.) I have now calmed down enough to explain the realities of what they are going to try and bury you in.

The thing is I am not sure whether to tell it to you straight or let you plough on through the nonsense so that you get a taste of the lies. Fortunately I can do both since I own this blog.

First of all before I let you continue: Anthropogenic pollution amounts to a teeny tiny amount of incomprehensibly inactive gas. The gas is a vegetable fertiliser and there isn't all that much of it in the free air. Most of it can be dissolved in the oceans and there is no limit to how much that can hold.  THERE IS REALLY NO LIMIT.

The gas can be compressed at depth and what is not used by zooplankton can be used by molluscs and corals and what is not used has way, way, way to go before the oceans can be suffused enough to produce clathrates out of it. But before then earth-bound vegetation will be able to take it out of the system so it is impossible to count.

But don't let me stop you seeing for yourself:

Several methods have been proposed to remove the global trend and ENSO influence over the North Atlantic SST. Trenberth and Shea, assuming that the effect of global forcing over the North Atlantic is similar to the global ocean, subtracted the global (60°N-60°S) mean SST from the North Atlantic SST to derive a revised AMO index.

 ENSO refers to the oscillation of the Indian/Pacific Oceans between Indonesia and South America and is concerned with the statistics of long term events, covering three and four month periods in the southern hemisphere winter.

How it applies to the Atlantic at latitudes above the European maritimes is not made clear in the Wikipedia discussion. How can it be since they are not concerned with volcanism?

What does the phrase "multidecadal cycles" refer to?

I started this thread after reading the query on Blancolirio's Oroville Dam,  Youtube channel. The answer is simple but dealing with the complexities of people being faked out by bad news media is a very testing phenomenon in the USA at the moment. See you are not frightened for yourselves these things must take place as a signal.

I am curious as to how the reservoir got up to 900 feet
in the first place.  Was it because they were babying the
spillway since it started to develop the crack and not
discharging as much as they should have?  Did they
just figure, "Heck, we'll just let it overtop the emergency
spillway - nothing bad will happen then"?

In all fairness the snow-fall in a volcano cycle had not been
catered for; since the source of the snow would have been a
"once in a century event" (if there is really any such thing)
and flood watching in California was not something that
concerned many people until 50 years ago.

The once in a century event turned out to be Alascan volcani eruptions. These are the ones that supplied all the snow to the Rockies this time. The places that got hit were the Sierras. And with the snow melt the water headed for the Oroville watershed.

What makes it a one in a hundred years event is that it may depend on which volcano supplies all the upper atmosphere water in just the right time and at just the right place, to do the damage. The reservoir got hit with wet winters in times past and got away with things.

As far as i know the Spillway was only used once before and although some damage was done it did not appear fatal. There was every reason to suppose that things would continue to be manageable. Even now there is time to put things right and it seems California is stepping up to the job. (Revelation 6:6)

In short we are only just beginning to understand the activities of volcanoes. Until we began to ask god about them we had no idea that they could even be forecast! Many Californians are already engaged in earthquake forecasting. So far geology has been able to laugh at  them and shout them down. But note what god himself has to say about such matters: "These things must take place for now" and "See you are not frightened!"