So starts the book of the Apocolypse that has frightened people about Armageddon so much that they dare not think of it. But if you do think about it at all you are led to believe that it is about the four horsemen riding out and bringing death and destruction. (And rightly so... but...)
the end of this paragraph states: "for the time is near."
If it was near and yet 2000 years have passed since then and 2000 years is one third of human history, what on earth could that mean?
If we have been on the planet for a mere 6000 years as indicated in the scriptures then 2000 years is an extremely long time. A mere beat of the dance if we were angels perhaps but we are men not angels!
What you choose to consider the meaning of the exigency should you accept a belief in the indefinte is up to you. But if you will collude with me on a few points of interest for a short space from your life...
The person first introduced to you is called Jesus Christ. Never mind his significance to god what you have to remember is the person who sent a message to his servant John was the same fellow who gave up his life alone a few years earlier. And you have to recall all the unbelievable things he di and all the ideas he laid before us in his teachings.
If that is too much for you then you will take away no idea about what I am telling you is going on at this very moment in your life.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse appear in Revelation Chapter Six. but before that a period of harsh reality comes over in the story:
Then I saw in the right hand of him who was seated on the throne a scroll written within and on the back, sealed with seven seals. And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?” And no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to look into it, and I began to weep loudly because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or to look into it.
And now we come to the greatest mystery for me:
You see I have been given the ability to see what is going on from the point of view of a thaumaturge.
But I have not been given the secret of why I was chosen to unwrap these things. Except for the fact that nobody will listen to me, there doesn't seem any other reason for this blessing than I should not get to enjoy a concomitant accolade. Except that I do not want fame or glory and no longer need money, this thing might well be a curse to me.
Now back to the revelation:
Then I looked, and I heard around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice,
“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain,
to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might
and honour and glory and blessing!
And so it is he that calls forwards the machine from the nebula that is to judge mankind according to its words: COME!
8 June 2017.
If you use the map on the Iris website:
and place a slip of paper over the 5.6M earthquake at the Mariana Islands (9th June 2017) across to the 5.2M. at Hawaii and mark both points; you will note that the swarm in Central America from around the 5th is approximately the same distance.
However from the map on the USGS website the distances are clearly different.
Corresponding distances are found for the various epicentres around Vanuatu (for example) and the ones across the Pacific along the west cost of South America; the distances being approximately one and an half times greater from Fiji to Chile/Bolivia (for instance) than the distance from the Marianas: Hawaii: Central American swarm.

But one should expect greater tenuity for greater distances fortuitously supplied by much greater temperature gradients. (And much smaller tidal kinetics.)
I dare say that more accurate appraisals will perform well at smashing plates and deeply entrenched errors once the dead-beat geologicians are out of the way of progress.
Fallen to the Horsemen Express no doubt! (killed as peace is taken from the earth so that people kill each other by the long sword.)
So now perhaps some clarity bring peace to my own clamouring:
I watch as the Lamb opens one of the seven seals and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder, “Come!” And I looked, and beheld, a white horse! And its rider had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he came out conquering, and to conquer.
I am not receiving any great power, no spiritual device empowers me to command believers -far from it. The truth is set before you in as scholarly a way as I know how. There are no bells and whistles, no tricks and delights. You can take it or leave it are free to not believe it but whose pockets are my hands in?
You are not being asked to give me anything are you?
You are to receive it as freely as it is supplied to me.
Have fun and stay alive. These times are far too interesting to die in.
What I am saying is there are ways to get greater understandings of all sorts of mysteries and you have the ability to access these things. But you have to want to, that is all.
As far as I am concerned I have reached the end of what I have to say but there is a point I may have missed: The point Jesus wanted John to realise when he was told "for the time is near." is that the time for forgetting the political manifesto that Christ preached publically was one of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Payment indeed, in riches to time indefinite for this mere magician of the impractical arts.