Saturday, July 01, 2017

Wake up you dumb fuck

You may be under the impression that the fake news has only just started. Tell me who killed Jesus and why:

What happened with the Egyptian Empire under the Pharaohs is that they managed to have food wheneveryone else's stocks ran out. The neighbouring countries all pledged allegiance for staples and the was enough tofeed everyone for the time limit.

Then with regime changes the rulership got greedy and decided to use the immigrants to make lots of stupid thngs instead of being allowed citizenship and to be able to have "lives".

So it appears with the present government:
Instead of being allowed to rule and get the population back into employment once again and thus allowing everyone to get back into production with all the usual busines of prosperity.

The US Government is arguing like children who got the biiges slice of cake. the point being who actuall did get the biggest slice of cake not that everyone got some cake.

And instead of being slapped and sent to bed with no cake the children seem intent on killing. Shouldn't America be making cars and telephone computers by now instead of buying the expensive tat from China?
Apparently the campaign to win a legally verifiable election six months after the elction is still ongoing according to

  • Van Jones says the ambush video of him done by notorious provocateur James O'Keefe is a hoax
  • Jones says he thinks it's unlikely Trump will be forced from office over the Russia investigation but that doesn't mean he thinks there's nothing there
How does this affect the price of fish?
Seriously would you rather not be hunting or fishing or shooting pool?
Don't you have any friends you can go and play with?

One day you are going to wake up dead. Which would you rather be?
Dead now or dead later and why?

Whatever it is that you want to do before you die go and do it now, just leave running the country to the people you decided to let run your country. Start campaigning for the next election if you must but where are the United States of American cars, pots, pans and affordable houses?

Are they on CNN or other televisions?
If they are take them off the televisions and use them. You have a fucking cake to eat eat the damned thing.

When the Persians won the election they took over from the Iraq Empire and told all the people Iraq had taken prisoner to go back home and deal legacy of Iraqi leadership as best they could but do it peacefully.

So the people all went home and some of them found that they were not welcome and so they started arguing about the shares of cake once more.
This time the bullies were told to supply their share of the cake to the prodigal natives.

Meanwhile what is going on in my own country?
The only story in British politics is that the union of what was supposed to be a common market is not dissolving the way intended. What government should have been doing was oganising fire regulation so that no buildings anywhere in the country were capable of spontaneous combustion.
Did that happen?
Apparently wew were using these:

To fight these:

Apparently we were so interested in not cooking cakes that we allowed the cakes to burn. I think the population of the British Isles were unhappy about this because we had an election to decide who is going to share any cake.

Does this seem, like good government to anyone?
Would you like to know how many Grenfell Towers there are in Britain?

Tests on 600 tower blocks find seven with Grenfell Tower-style cladding
PM says urgent tests on buildings are taking place across England in wake of disaster to see if cladding is flammable.

Presumably they are going to be using these thing to do so:

When we think of the glory that was Rome we actually mean the advances in engineering that took place back then and we include the greek empire in there with it.

The ignominy that was Rome was the panchent for assassinations. The King of Macedon was murdered and almost immediately the killers were themselves killed, his son Alexander the Founder of the Greek Empire died of some sort of illness allegedly, drunk in Babylon (Iraq.)

The first king of Rome was murdered and his assailant were caught and killed. Today the kings of America are famous for getting shot. You would think that an high powered rifle would be used in most cases, seeing how things turn out for assassins. But very few manage a quick getaway even in the age of the motor car.

Odd or what?
In fact it seems that fast transport is the preferred weapon of assassins these days. maybe they realise that there is no retirement plan in that job?