Friday, June 16, 2017


Suppose instead of Jews and Arabs we successfully moved our continent away to preseve the Dark Age. Suppose we all lived in a land known colloquially as our cupboard and instead of oceans we divided the world up into the people next door who we never talked to and believed that they had their own cupboard too.

In our house we only listened to BBC radio and in the other house they only listened to CNN. How long would it be before they invaded us to show us commercials?
Or we invaded them to give them social democracy?

Really though: Instead of us having accidents that worked for the best, imagine that instead of inventing arms and legs and eyes and brains we had to have accidents that tore us open and broke our bones when we fell out of trees. Can you ever imagine what would happen to reality if there was no god?

Suppose we were intelligent enough to invent the motor car and instead of giving it steering and brakes we gave it wings. How many accidents do you think there could possibly be before we invented landing gear?

Think about it: We went from steam to petrol to flight to the moon in less time than it took to invent rifles. It took 500 years to develop safe canon that could be dragged around by horses to kill people and it was good enough to not need the invention of steel until late in the century before the last one.

Exactly 100 years later we produced atom bombs.