Wednesday, January 03, 2018


"You can't do much carpentry with your bare hands and you can't do much thinking with a bare brain."
Technology is a gift from god.
After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of god's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations and of arts and of sciences.
Freeman Dyson.

This is  certainly true in my case. I was born a dullard without the ability to translate mathematics into anything intelligible. I grew up strongly suspicious that some major asset was lacking in my psyke and so wilfully ignorant that I had invested half my schooling without ever finding out what it was.

And yet I taught myself some of the most wonderful Secrets of the Universe. I have, in my own opinion, connected The Theory of Everything to The Theory of General Relationship Physics. (Relativity.)

That it is only a matter of my opinion is not a concern of mine because I seemed to have found an inalienable rightness in my findings, wherein every disproof I offered to these finding seemed to beget an answer beyond my mastery. The stuff of future dreams, whenever I would go to bed, having spent the day puzzling at a conundrum, I would wake the next day with the answer.

I had and still have no idea where this magic came from, except that when I began to grasp the method of doing it, I distinctly asked god...  No not asked god: Demanded of my Creator, the answers to the puzzles that I was learning about. The only certainty about this tool that I have besides the use of it for my own personal interests, is that you too can make it available for your own use and the way for you to do that is to continually demand it from god.

Don't piss around with god. He is not that type of a person, he despises sycophants and church-kneelers, all sorts of obsequiousness is as repulsive to him as it is to all man -every son and daughter of Adam!

Do this:
Settle on your dearest wish for understanding and check whether it is Your Thing, make sure you learn what you want and then TELL GOD TO GIVE IT TO YOU. Be sure to make continual adjustments to your demands as you see fit and as you learn the answers that he gives and get immersed in the flow from him. DO NOT HOLD BACK.

He will give you all you ask and more. He will give it to you!

When a man's son asks him for food, he does not hand him a stone does he?
If you keep searching for the secrets of god as for the keys to a kingdom he will give you what you want if you keep searching for it and do not give up.
If you do that, the light that he gives you will be your own holy spirit that nothing can take away from you.

For example a few days ago I posted something about my tinnitus to the effect that I was still hearing an hold-over from the last (hopefully) of the terrorism and now out of nowhere we have an unannounced subtropical Atlantic storm akin to the ones caused earlier (last year) in Texas and Central America that caused so much damage that the FEMA/FBI called in more of the same to remove dykes and dry up the plague.

I am so certain of this that I can say with inner sight that President Donald Triumph will issue proof to the same effect that this was indeed a terror weapon used against the nation of the USA by it's Deep State. And that if he fails to do so, the protesters against the Democrats who are behind it will call for the information to be made as public as he has made public the Satanic works of the cabal so far.

This stuff is related to the other Atlantic stuff I have previously written of and the rest of the unusual weather posted on various other exceptional weather interests groups' sites:

Nor-easter winter storm Grayson 4 January 2018.   
Powerful nor'easter to impact the coast from Florida to Canadian Maritimes

January 03, 2018
Tropical Cyclone Ava 09:00utc 3 January 2018   
Life-threatening Tropical Cyclone "Ava" to hit Madagascar, heavy rain already falling

January 03, 2018 Storm Eleanor 15:00utc 2 January 2018   
Storm Eleanor to hit Ireland, UK and France with powerful winds, thundery rain

2 January, 2018 Europe IR image at 03:00utc 2 January 2018   
Storm Carmen leaves one dead, 65 000 without power ahead of Eleanor, France

2 January, 2018 Extremely cold temperatures across North America blamed for at least 7 deaths

2 January, 2018 Total Lunar Eclipse

I missed this despite opening NASA's Skycal every day this week.  
2nd Moon N Dec 00:01 Full Moon 02:24 3rd Perihelion 02:59
(I had the date set for 2017, worranidiot. See what I mean about dyscalculia?)

Ask yourselves how does someone incompetent to handle maths managed to learn meteorology as I have and do so despite every liable error that my enemies have said I am making?
And who are my enemies?
Why are they still not able to predict Blocking Highs and understand what the Greenland High means?

Is it it possibly because I am being offered this information by the hand of god?
Is it really so?
If it is so, why are they not capable of doing the same tricks?
We are told the Egyptians were capable of repeating the tricks Moses performed. Was it from god that the Egyptians failed to perform the tenth one?

Turn to whom it is that makes these things possible now whilst he can still be found. You have received powerful portents about the apocalypse. Investigate to the best of your abilities and learn wonderful things from the Prince of Peace.


Wed, 3 Jan 2018, 19:00
Seven or eight seems to be the limit to how many volcanoes go into eruption during a series in a suitable spell. I wonder why. Watch this space for the answer -unless there is someone better informed than I. Is there?

A preliminary guess is that there is a limit for harmonics over the distance concerned with this part of the Solar System. In proof of this there will be found a certain distance or set of distances that these things must be apart before they can reach enough energy (or whatever the mechanical term will turn out to be.)

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