Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Open Wider

 "Into The Great Wide Open"

Telstar to Columbia went something like this
Someone in NASA was taking the piss
The Eye of Sauron
Is open to view

The Arctic High was in clashing discord
The deep state people having given the word
We watched a cyclone that was aiming at god
But the sky was the limit

Into the great wide open
With chem-trail skies SOB lieue
Out in the great wide open
Crooked without a clue

Fake news had nothing and gave it a miss
Pretending treason was nothing like this
This was a blizzard aimed at the heart
But the sky was the limit

They sowed the wind now where have they gone
Some dungeon darkness where they belong
Their Nemesis is StrongBad The Don.
Set to show them where they went wrong

You can muck with god but god you won't muck for long!
No major earthquakes not even major swarms:
But we went to the limit!

But what we have got is a Redounding Storm.
North Atlantic super-depression. 
Ever had one of these?
I don't think so.

Enter the great wide open.
Something we never knew.
Rotation stored for the great day of wrath poured out at Armageddon.
Earth to the rescue damns the King of the North
At Armageddon

Time for the recreation

If you think you may be borderline tinnitus effective, you may still be able to hear the DEW by using a small reflector to scan for frequencies. Play this loud and up the scale (maybe 9999 on both settings) and move the plate around both ears a few inches away to allow it to deflect/reflect -rather like listening with a sea-shell. (I have been using a saucer YMMV.)Try and pick up a high pitch similar to jingled tungsten filament bulbs.

 A weapon differs from a natural volcanic spike in that it lasts for hours. Natural spikes last a few minutes at maximum, proof how god designed a planet we can love! if we let him.

One DEW is running at the moment, so maybe there were some that President Triumph's team missed (I think they shot down some satellites over Chrismas.)

This one maybe in Korea or Thailand if the president of vice, Obama, set one up there.
I forget how to spell when I get that interference. It is like I develop headaches only this is giving me dyslexia. But at least I am into poetry again if you can all this poetry. The difference between me and The Great McGonagall is that I don't have trolls telling me to carry on.

I started writing this because I don't know of anyone that has stored the NEFS. I stopped collecting them once I realised I had learned all they were likely to tell me -before I realised that they were also telling me about the terror weapons that were used to destroy the World Trade Centress' half doen or so towers.

I forget how many were erased on 9/11 but most people assume it was just the Twin Towers. I believe it is possible to recreate the charts for all the time since September 2001 by the use of GRIB files. Something I have no real idea how to do. I am just a spy, not an effective engineer of any kind.

Some people are good at all things. I am just unidirectional and soon get out of my depth.

Here are todays's charts from the Sea Level NA-EFS, you can see how the Lows are pressing against the Rocky montains at last as the heat eapon has been restroud something aboutr paper plane I thinl according to Wikileaks (state UNed.)

This first one is Nullschool miss it and its gone the don't have an archive to their live stream. They do have a Facile Page that I don't use the only reason I use US technology for the Internet is that I have to. I use Google because they permit huge files that demand a great deal of JavaScripting. Hopefully the free world will be turning to HTML one day

The images move from Black and white to purple and red then green as the quality of the forecast diminishes.

The images stalled at 9th January.
This stuff indicates there is a problem in the development that reflects on the weather. Usually it is a volcanic eruption with a knock on effect that screws up communications espacially JavaScript the worst Internet tool, in my opinion.

It may be just an earthquake though or even swarms. About which there is extensive information from me online.

And now some religious stuff:
But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.
All of god's creation is revealed as the woman by what happens to the woman in the book of Revelation _also called Apocalypse which means the same thing.)

I am fond or the Bible Hub and also use Bible Gateway but I am using the Steven Byington version a lot these days too (I just hope that he was not the missionary that inflicted so much racist evil on the defenceless US Indians.)

And a great portent appeared in the sky, a woman clad in the sun, the moon under her feet and a wreath of twelve stars on her head, about to have a child; and she was screaming in her labour-pains, in the torture of giving birth.

And another portent appeared in the sky: lo, a great fiery-red serpent with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads, its tail dragging a third of the stars in the sky and throwing them to earth. And the serpent was standing before the woman who was to bear the child, in order to eat up her child when she did bear it.

And she bore a son, a male, who is to drive all nations with an iron rod; and her child was snatched away to God and his throne; and the woman fled to the desert, where she has a place prepared by God where they are to feed her twelve hundred and sixty days.

And there came a war in the sky, Michael and his angels battling with the serpent; and the serpent and its angels battled, and did not succeed, nor was there any longer to be found in the sky a place for them. And the great serpent was thrown down, the primeval snake, he who is called the Devil and Satan, the misleader of the whole world of men—thrown down to the earth, and its angels thrown down with it.

And I heard a loud voice in the sky say
“Now is come our God’s salvation and power and empire, and his Christ’s dominion, because the accuser of our brothers is thrown down: he who accuses them before our God day and night, and they won against him because of the Lamb’s blood and because of the word of their testimony, and did not love their lives even in the face of death. Therefore jubilate, heavens and you that dwell in them! woe for the earth and the sea! because the Devil has gone down to you in a great rage, knowing that he has little time.”
And when the serpent saw that it was thrown down to the earth it chased the woman that had borne the male child. And the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle that she might fly to her place in the desert, where she is fed for a time and times and half a time to keep her from the snake.

And the snake threw out of its mouth after the woman water like a river1 to sweep her off her feet; and the earth took the woman’s part, and opened its mouth and drank up the river that the serpent threw out of its mouth.

And the serpent was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her issue, that keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus; and it planted itself on the sand of the sea.

This is the same great river spoken of in the same book elsewhere, The book of Revelation is written in a code similar to the network used by Anonymous on the Internet to give people advice for the war of the aptly named: President Triumphant.

The book seems at first to be a long drawn out battle and initially it is, because Satan and mankind were divorced for an epic epoch of six thousand years. But all days end and this one appears to end quickly. Why should it not?

In equatorial regions the difference between day and night is epic. We Northmen don't realise they have no real Dusk; the day ends and it is night in less than halt an hour. In Britain for example the day ends when it feels like ending.

The sky may fill with mist and bring dark early, or it may go onto a moonlit phosphorescence for a couple of hours of darkness in mid-summer.

Look it up: Phosphor is the Morning Star called Venus these days and before Arian and the Apostle's Creed heresy. It was used by Paul to indicate the difference between knowledge of a reality and experience of the reality (the Day Star or Sun.)

You can tell where you are because the morning star points out the east or Orient but you have to keep making adjustments as the day gets brighter because there a motion in the star or pointer.

Once the sun rises you can see everything and don't need to worry about navigation.

For example when we only had the book of Revelation -for some 2000 years we never understood that the stanzas it contained were rephrases designed to help us to understand the code unwrapping as we begin to see by daylight. The four angles appear in several stages of the relatively short story.

Well the day star has risen and all mankind can now see everything clearly if they wish to. There will still be people in denial but they will come around and end their deadness to god soon enough. But until then I assume there will be plenty of unpleasantness to deal with. (Difficult times where you need to temper your emotions to deal with fools.)

The Four Horsemen for example are the same as the four angels at the Great River of information. And they are probably the same ones that have the gift of controlling the other Great River the river of air that is coming down on us now as a result of the actions of Satan's hoard of stupid people now awaiting trial and death in GITMO.

You can see that they are doing the exact same job, both clearing away ignorance and washing away barriers to humanity. The four horsemen are spoken of as killers but the angels of the Euphrates are spoken of as information sources and scouring us clean.

It is the same thing.

There will be people entering the sanctuary citadel and there will be a third party that remains outside. The numbers outside are always going to be the third party even though their number changes over time as more and more see light and join in the fun.
Are you getting my point?

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