Have you ever met Chris Kyle?
Did you know him?
Why do you think he did that?
Jesse "TheBody" Ventura
A Sniper went into a bar and had a fight then told everyone that a fqamous wrestled did it and ran away.
Then the sniper was taken out by a friend he didn't rally trust. Meanwhile Jesse Ventura and Governor of Minnesota had taken him to court for defamation and got into legal problems over the fact he was not allowed to let anyone know he was not causing the grieving widow hardship.
In the meantime the grieving widow was defaming the famous wrestler and causing his political career harm. Jesse had become a politician reformer so successful that both Republicans and Democrats opposed him.
Did you know him?
Why do you think he did that?
Jesse "TheBody" Ventura
A Sniper went into a bar and had a fight then told everyone that a fqamous wrestled did it and ran away.
Then the sniper was taken out by a friend he didn't rally trust. Meanwhile Jesse Ventura and Governor of Minnesota had taken him to court for defamation and got into legal problems over the fact he was not allowed to let anyone know he was not causing the grieving widow hardship.
In the meantime the grieving widow was defaming the famous wrestler and causing his political career harm. Jesse had become a politician reformer so successful that both Republicans and Democrats opposed him.
Was anyone from the FIB/Deep State involved in all and every bit of this?
The intelligence community is our worst enemy and it has been proven:
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