When solar activity is high we are hit with a surplus of electrons that literally browns us all off and screws with our hardware, due to JavaScript causing technical problems.
You can tell when this is happening by the activity of volcanoes:.Today: Monday 8 January 2018:
Fuego, Reventador, Sinabung, Ebeko, Kadovar ,
and Sunday 7 January 2018:
Dukono Fuego Ebeko Kadovar Sinabung Reventador
7 Jan 2018: Fuego, Klyuchevskoy, Popocatépetl, Dukono, Reventador, Kadovar Sabancaya, Ebeko, Ebeko, and possibly Sakurajima
10 volcanoes is a lot in any spell but these spells have been activated into extremes by the use of terrorist weapons that President Trump has assured us were dealt with. There were one or two that were still active after he released that information but it has been a few days now since I last heard from them. Things will settle down after the Superbang and the angels will take over running things properly; producing the correct quantities of fish-food and etcetera...
Chill out with your family, have a beer and get some sleep if you can. If you are too tense just take your wife for a walk in the park and talk. It will blow over in a day or so. (POTUS HAS STOPPED THE NUCLEAR WEAPONS CAUSING THE ANTICYCLONES.)
In 1892 Tesla discovered that static electricity could be used to make telecommunications. Like Huchison, his property was then destroyed. Beware Youtube and fake reportage.
In 1979 John Hutchison felt something hit his shoulder, he threw it back and it flew up and hit him again. He'd discovered frequencies that can shield gravity. John's Tesla coils, electrostatic generator, and other equipment created a complex electromagnetic field, heavy pieces of metal levitated and shot toward the ceiling and some pieces shredded.
The Canadian government dubbed this phenomenon the Hutchison-Effect.
Hutchison is one of the foremost Nikola Tesla experts alive he has replicated many of Nikola Tesla's works over the years, including the Death Ray, and a smaller Philadelphia Experiment.
The key here is that Huchison is still alive, unlike Tesla who was hit with a taxi before the FIB got his secrets.
The Canadian government reported invisible samples phasing in and out of existence. A Vancouver businessman, George Hathaway, heard about the Hutchison Effect in 1980, contacted Hutchison, and brought in a consulting engineer from Boeing Aerospace, and the Canadian government to form Pharos' Technology.
Hutchison would not work with the Canadian or the U.S. government. In this way he was like Tesla.
When he was on a trip to Germany, the Canadian government seized John's equipment and collaborated with George Liscazis, who was paid upwards of 70 million dollars for information and samples of John's Field stress detector. The government also created a false PCB scandal so they could use the local press to justify their actions and hide the true nature of what the government was actually removing from John's Lab.
Coincidentally at about this time, Margaret Thatcher was devising a scheme to do away with Britain's coal mines and embraced Glowballs to help her. I don't know how many coincidences one needs to formulate a viable conspiracy but it is interesting how quickly Britain, Canada and USA adopted the rather strange idea of glowballs.
The idea for that is an increase in the amount of carbondioxide by a few part per million will take things over the margin for safety and destroy the whole world. This is a gross lack of faith in god and will result in the withdrawal of spirit from people like that and results in a greater tendency for associates to lack faith. Such people will visibly shrink and all the world will notice.
http://research.metoffice.gov.uk/research/nwp/publications/papers/technical_reports/2006/FRTR476/FRTR476.pdfWednesday, 10 January 2018 22:55:22 UTC, Colin Youngs wrote:To which I responded:
> Op woensdag 10 Januari 2018 00:15:02 UTC+1 schreef Norman Lynagh:
> > I learned this evening that Philip Eden died last week.
> Like everyone else, I am very sad to hear this.
> I have happy memories of taking part in discussions with him here on uk.sci.weather, going back nearly 20 years. I always felt it was a privilege that someone with a strictly amateur interest in the weather like myself had the chance to talk to a real professional, as he unquestionably was.
> About 10 years ago, when I mentioned on the news group that I would be away for a few days to attend my mother's funeral, Philip took the trouble to send me a very kind personal e-mail offering his sympathy, a gesture to someone he only knew online which I very much appreciated.
> My condolences to his family, friends and former colleagues.
> Colin Youngs
> Brussels
It was a pity that he was fooled into believing Glowballs and sad that though he lived long enough to see the end of the scam, it is not likely that he understood the outcome.
God will make the judgements on those that do have the ability to make correct discernments from now on.
This prompted me too look up the paper on Anicyclones by Will Hand:
9 September, 2001 Bracknell (the original site for these charts, now moved to exitdoor to make them easier for nobody to get)
January 2001:
It is hard to imagine the cost of felling the World Trade Center. They must have been at it for years. The situation of the Greenland High ran all month long except for a few days around the end of January and then started up again all February:
March was the same and April:
And August
Anticyclones are regular over The North Atlantic but you will have to check back to a time before the Glowallers started pulling this shit. But in any case the likelihood of all of these long lasting anticyclones so far north only serves to explain the Global destruction of the ice sheets.
Michael Mann needs locking up as does Tony Blair and Margaret Thatcher's estate should be sold to make reparations too.
I wonder how much Dennis managed to hide in his personal piggy bank. Plenty of offshore funding most likely.
Any road up, September you already know about:
An anticyclone does not appear on the charts as a standing wave or Blocking High. The cause of them is by nature intransigent they follow volcanic eruptions and appear in the Greenland Resoluion because they have come out of solution from a Blocked Low.
They come out of solution as the Low is moving across the ocean surface at the Icelandic geographical reference of Icelandic Lows. This usually arrives from North America at Newfoundland and because they are swirling into existence in a stream, they are subject to classical swirling (for which see the drawings of daVinci.)They tend to look like this:
And to produce something like double the amount of "Polar Points" or "eyes" of storms and anti-storms. They clear up quickly as soon as the cause passes and the gates of heaven slam shut.
But when I say: "...they appear out of solution from an Icelandic low...", these things only appear very irregularly and only with a large eruption.
The boding for Nineveh; the book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite. Jehovah is a jealous deity and takes revenge; Jehovah takes revenge and is fierce in temper; Jehovah takes revenge on his foes and bears his enemies in mind.
Jehovah is patient and powerful,and Jehovah does not acquit an offender. His walk is in gale and tempest and clouds are the dust of his feet. He speaks sternly to the sea and dries it out and dries off all the rivers; Bashan wilts, and Carmel and the young leafage of Lebanon stands forlorn. enemies into darkness.
[I imagine the region of Bashan is a good stock-man's pasture, probably too wet for growing crops but an ideal land for fertile oxen.]
The mountains quake at him and the hills surge And the earth is in commotion before him, the world and all who inhabit it. Before his hostility who may stand and who stand up amid the heat of his anger?
His choler is like a stream of fire and the rocks break down before him. Jehovah is good for a citadel in the day of distress; Jehovah knows those who take refuge in him and carries them through cloudbursts. He makes a finish of those who stand up against him and chase his enemies into darkness.
What do you plan against Jehovah?
He is making a finish; distress will not stand up twice; for even briers matted in a tangle and soaked as they can be, will be eaten up like stubble fully dry.
Out of you came one who planned mischief against
Jehovah, who proposed a vicious policy.
Says Jehovah:
If waters gush out and rage withal [with it all; as well; beside; in spite of all; nevertheless; with that; therewit]... so do they subside and pass off; I did grind you down, I will not again. And now I will break his yoke-bow off from you and snap your tether.
And Jehovah will give a commission against you:
"There shall not again be any of your name engendered;
out of the house of your gods I will eradicate carving and casting.
I will make your grave a dunghill."
"There shall not again be any of your name engendered;
out of the house of your gods I will eradicate carving and casting.
I will make your grave a dunghill."
There on the mountains are the feet of a messenger of good news, a
herald of peace:
Celebrate your feasts, Judah, pay your vows, for never again shall the reprobates pass through you, they are done with, they are extinct.
A hammer has come in your face: mount guard, keep a lookout on roads, brace waists, rally strength to the utmost.https://www.smashwords.com/extreader/read/679239/1/trump-charges-in
Celebrate your feasts, Judah, pay your vows, for never again shall the reprobates pass through you, they are done with, they are extinct.
For Jehovah has brought back Jacob’s pride like Israel’s, because
riflers had rifled them and had wrecked their branches. His
champions’ shields are reddened, stalwart men in scarlet; steel was
softened in fire on the day of his making ready, and cypresses were made
to reel.
In the open, the chariots are running wild, they are
hurtling through the suburbs; their look is like torches, they shoot
along like lightning-flashes.
He remembers his heroes; they stumble in their going; they hurry to the wall and the barricade is got ready. The river gates are opened and the palace collapses, and madame is made to stand exposed, with her slave-girls droning like pigeons’ notes, drumming on their chests.
And Nineveh is like a reservoir of water with its water running out;
“stop, stop,”
but no one turns his face.
Plunder silver, plunder gold, and there is no end of the supply, fortunes in every kind of choice article. Clearing out, cleaning out, clawing out, and hearts melting down and knees giving way and cramps in all backs, and all their faces are contorted.
Where is the lions’ lair, that was feeding-place for the two-year-olds, where walked lion, lioness, lion’s cub with no one to alarm it?
The lion tore up as much as his cubs wanted and broke necks for his lionesses, and filled his holes with prey and his lairs with carcasses.
Have at you!Quoth Jehovah of Armies!
I will smoke out your thicket, and swords shall eat up your two-year-olds, and I will rid earth of your kills, and the sound of your roar shall not be heard again.Ha, bloody city, all trickery, full of prey, never without a kill!Hark, a sound of whips, a sound of wheels jarring, and galloping ponies and jumping chariot! rearing horse and flame of sword and lightning of spear and multitudes of dying and masses of corpses; there is no end of the bodies, they stumble on the bodies,
For the multitudinous debaucheries of the handsome prostitute, mistress of witchcraft, who blotted out nations with her debaucheries and clans with her witchcraft.
Have at you, quoth Jehovah! I will turn your skirts up over your face and let nations see your nakedness and clans your ignominy, and I will throw carrion over you and make you an object of disdain and a spectacle.
And everyone that sees you shall make off, and say:
Nineveh is smitten! who is to lament her?
Where shall I look for comforters for you?”
Are you to be better than Amon’s Thebes, seated on the branching Nile with water around her, whose wall was a bulwark of sea, consisted of sea; whose forces the Nubians were, and the Egyptians, no end of them; whose auxiliaries were Put and the Libyans?She too went to slavery in exile; she too had children’s brains dashed out at every street-end and over her aristocrats they threw lots and all her great men were chained in fetters. You too shall overdrink and be stupefied; you too shall hunt for a refuge from an enemy.
All your fortresses are trees with rareripe figs, if they are shaken they drop into an eater’s mouth; -you find your people women in you; the gates of your country are thrown open to your enemies, fire has consumed your bars.
Draw yourself water for a siege; strengthen your fortresses; get into the mud and trample clay, handle a brick-mold; there fire will consume you, swords will make an end of you, they will eat you up like marching grasshoppers.
Come on in masses like marching grasshoppers, come on in masses like flying grasshoppers; you have drawn more traders than there are stars in the sky—the hoppers cast their skins and take wing.
Your policemen are like grasshoppers and your clerks like young grasshoppers that camp in the hedges on a cold day; the sun is up and off they go, and there is no knowing what place they were in.
Your shepherds are drowsy, king of Assyria, your heroes are asleep; your people are scattered over the mountains with no one to draw them together. There is no healing for your broken bones; your wound is gangrened; all who hear about you will clap their hands over you -for over whom has not your vileness taken its course continually?
I got lost with the excitement of the coming arrest of Hillary Clingon and I forgot to make this blog about the Chimpanzee. Just think how many decades the USA has not had government!
I think you should allow me leeway.
In Daniel 2:31:
“Your Majesty looked, and there before you stood a large statue—an enormous, dazzling statue, awesome in appearance. 32 The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, 33 its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay. 34 While you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them. 35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were all broken to pieces and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away without leaving a trace. But the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth.I always thought that bit about the partly moulded clay and iron was a bit difficult to imagine. But what could be more straightforward than this explanation:
The edifice was made of Reinforced concrete. Concrete is nothing more than baked clay roasted to very high temperatures. The iron is called rebar (re-enforcing bars) and the magical way it fell was the way the World Trade Centre fell:
"a rock was cut out, but not by human hands..This is exactly what happened.
...all broken to pieces and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away without leaving a trace."
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