Wednesday, January 24, 2018


How the hell did I fall for this. 24 hours later I am pulling exactly the same stunt on Wikipedia:

Koresh which abandoned many Davidian teachings and became a new religious movement with him as its self-proclaimed final prophet.

Some of those who accepted the reform message had been removed from membership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church because their teachings were seen as heretical by fellow Adventists. Today, the original Davidian (Shepherd's Rod) and the Branch Davidian are two different and distinct groups. The doctrinal beliefs differ on major teachings such as the Holy Spirit and his nature, and the feast days and their requirements. Both groups have disputed the relevance of the other's spiritual authority based on the proceedings following Victor Houteff's death. From its inception in 1930, the reform movement believed themselves to be living in a time when Biblical prophecies of a final divine judgment were coming to pass as a prelude to Christ's Second Coming.

In 1993, the ATF, FBI, and Texas National Guard raided one of the properties belonging to a Branch Davidian group centered around David Koresh for suspected weapons violations.

    The lead into this essay seems to imply the murder of women and children happened instantaneously, is justified and that both parties were involved in the fighting. There is a lot of evidence that a peaceful religious group was butchered in the strange tale at Waco.

I am sorry I sent you two dollars and won't even send you two half pence next time you ask. While climbing a ladder, an officer "accidentally!" shot himself in the leg, which began a two-hour firefight in which four ATF agents were killed; this was followed by a standoff with the FBI that lasted for 51 days. The siege ended with a raid that resulted in the deaths of Koresh and 82 of his followers not counting Sonny Bono.[2][3]

The Met Office is not producing their North Atla\ntic chart directly on their server but it is available as a PDF. I don't know if I can get it to apear directly from .pdf or if I have to copy each image to save them.

It places a link in the service but it is greyed out and won't open the image.

I had the choice of saving as a .png or .jpg. I chose the latter as it works best in Gimp for me. Not that I know what it will do with this. Now to see if it will work without glitches , which means saving and waiting for it all to load in Googles abortionate old hardware.

Back late.

It is a crap repo. Like buying pirate video.
But needs be as needs must.

I'll try the .png:

I have no idea how well you can follow the MetOffice charts but the latest ones are extra ordinary. Extra-extraordinary:

The first looks ordinary, the second not so strange but after that!

That occlusion under Greenland means a tornado spell for the USA.

I would love to have been a fly on the wall for this one:

It looks like someone hit an octopus with an elecric poker.

It is coming around now but it is still not right.

I wonder what the President ordered for the crew or crews of the weapons.

I imagine that they were just plain destroyed. No records made no further questions asked after:
"Are you sure you got them all?"
Then screw them!
Let them repent in hell.

Well that's sorted. I would prefer to take these as PDFs if I could get them to load straight away as it is time consuming and I am not looking at what the charts actually say when i am working on them.

But it saves an ephemeral data immediately so that I can work on them at leisure. It's just that I know what will happen if I procrastinate.

Meanwhile they really are interesting and I can imagine the consternation of the experts at the Met Office. A long time after my passing the old hands will be talking about these.

As a Christian I have to be forgiving of  people like that now hopefully dead team. How can you be forgiving of people who are so blind to integrity?
There is no salvation for some people. Communist or fascist once you are in the mill you won't get out of the kinked way of thought. You will not have peace without god's help.

Thus you are food for the birds. From those that have, more is expected; from those that have not, more is taken. May god bless his people and make them a signal for the rest of us.

Well serves me right for being so easily fooled.


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