Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Forgetting more than you learned

I just got up to take a set of tablets that I forgot to take last night. I have a range of medicines I am supposed to take, some in the morning, some in the evening and a memory problem that is set to "worsen with time". <Nice looking forwards to that!

Fortunately one of the compensations I am already experiencing is that I don't mind a lot of things that my mind is no longer responsible to. Fork them, if they won't co-operate they can and go get lost!

The rest of you air heads who are relying on an old man to save you from the future, your future; ...will have to learn from your own experiences. One thing I can remind you of before it is too late is that there is a panoply of signals emanating from a planet that was designed by god for mankind to hold subject.

If you learn sense and stop listening to fools, you will do well but you must do both to get god's blessing.

A few days ago I told you how the anticyclones in the South Atlantic behave. Today I show you how the rest of the system reacts to them/those. The huge cyclone, so long a mystery, has unfolded before my eyes -as it has been doing ever since the first angels put it there for us to play with.

When I first discovered this set of charts I couldn't work out how the anticyclones managed to get out of the South Pole. It was years before I realised that their struggle was by design; even as it says:

The wilderness will continue eternally

When I got up this morning I was feeling about half past dead. I asked a friend of mine to help me.


Is what he said

Son you got to get up early, things are missing in your head, it is going to drive you crazy ... so do do something else instead.
And this is it:
I have been trying to find a passage of scripture that I once heard quoted by a Jehovah's Witness. It is amazing how much controversy follows such an insignificant sect. One would expect the people to be like those American Baptists of ill repute, judging from the numerous explanations from Christendom that swamps the Internet so that finding a phrase from them is a thousand times more difficult than it needs to be.

I know quite a few Jehovah's Witnesses and for the most part they are reasonable people who only ask that they can be a bit dogmatic in their beliefs.
They are certain of their scripture and hold on tightly to what they see. I don't think they are stupid in the way that followers of CNN and Fox News can be.

So if you are a Jehovah's Witness and you know where the scripture is that discusses the future of the wilderness:
The wilderness will continue eternally situated, can you do me a favour and put me back in my misery?
I have recently learned that I am to be a voice crying out there and I appear to have strayed. I rather like the idea and I want to get back before I miss anything. I am pretty sure that is not too much to ask.

Back with the narrative:
(You won't believe how funn difficult writing this czjd becomes when you have had a stroke.) Where was I?

Do you want a problem, a really difficult problem?
I am talking about REAL problems here, the kind that look like fur-balls and is/are filled with fish-hooks kind.

Try getting a cat or a woman and explaining the business of ownership to the damned thing; try telling her that she belongs to you and see how far that gets you.

Ah well enough of this business of wondering through the wilderness, lets go through the easy stuff. I need to have a shower before I go out and I really need to go out.

Well that was nice... I have just rediscovered mushroom soup
...can make one hell of a mess if you have a beard like Uncle Llew.

So I was wondering about the business of escapement. The Southern Ocean is home to the largest storms on the planet, stuff that pound for pound rivals Jupiter's.

So how does it store anticyclones?
You have a think about that while I go for a wash.

The Panoply:

I didn't choose to put these here, I never even looked at them until I remembered that this morning I have been very negligent. We have the overcast back with us once more and -it looks like Bogoslov is strutting its stuff again.

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