I should be impressed: html?format=text&nodata=404& starttime=1970-01-01&endtime= 2025-01-01&minmag=0&maxmag=10& mindepth=0&maxdepth=900& orderby=time-desc&limit=800& maxlat=25.110&minlat=5.110& maxlon=-84.180&minlon=-104. 180&sbl=1&caller=smexreg&name= Within%2010%20deg%20of%20Lat% 2015%2C%20Lon%20-94&zm=5&mt= ter
But I am not, I have been waiting for the depression of post shock trauma to kick-in but this is not that. It is possibly knowing that there is anther one out there ready to go and that I can't find it.
I could get out my old stuff and look for it in the old way but that is too labour intensive. There must be a mathemagical method that immediately rings bells and turns on lights but instead I am waiting for Monday.
Hey. I'll tell you what could be interesting:
If Friday's 8.1 was Harvey
Then there is a good chance that we are looking at a sequence:
Hurricane-4 HARVEY 17 AUG-01 SEP 115 knots. And the next one is Irma: 5 30 AUG-09 SEP 160 knots and consequent larger energy value (although I should also be assuming an inverse.)
Which leaves us with Hurricane-4 JOSE 05-09 SEP 135 Knots.
Hurricane-2 KATIA 05-09 SEP 90 knots. hurricane/atlantic/2017/index. php
The problem is that the energy levels will all be dropping dramatically with each passing front. Not that this isn't interesting. So that must be good right?
Even more interesting is that all this is happening in the heart of Trumpton. Boy, I would love to see the stupid faces of fake news when they realise this shit happened. And whose going to be the face of the new generation for the next millennium! Carve his name on El Capitan!
What larks Pip Pip!
I probably shouldn't say that as it is demeaning to god. But I can't help thinking that it is a reward for honesty.
All we need is Hugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble, Grub to get their act together and start being the Cajun Navy and stop being fake scientits.
Some hope!
Clean o'clock:
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But I am not, I have been waiting for the depression of post shock trauma to kick-in but this is not that. It is possibly knowing that there is anther one out there ready to go and that I can't find it.
I could get out my old stuff and look for it in the old way but that is too labour intensive. There must be a mathemagical method that immediately rings bells and turns on lights but instead I am waiting for Monday.
Hey. I'll tell you what could be interesting:
If Friday's 8.1 was Harvey
Then there is a good chance that we are looking at a sequence:
Hurricane-4 HARVEY 17 AUG-01 SEP 115 knots. And the next one is Irma: 5 30 AUG-09 SEP 160 knots and consequent larger energy value (although I should also be assuming an inverse.)
Which leaves us with Hurricane-4 JOSE 05-09 SEP 135 Knots.
Hurricane-2 KATIA 05-09 SEP 90 knots.
The problem is that the energy levels will all be dropping dramatically with each passing front. Not that this isn't interesting. So that must be good right?
Even more interesting is that all this is happening in the heart of Trumpton. Boy, I would love to see the stupid faces of fake news when they realise this shit happened. And whose going to be the face of the new generation for the next millennium! Carve his name on El Capitan!
What larks Pip Pip!
I probably shouldn't say that as it is demeaning to god. But I can't help thinking that it is a reward for honesty.
All we need is Hugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble, Grub to get their act together and start being the Cajun Navy and stop being fake scientits.
Some hope!
Clean o'clock:

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