Tuesday, December 05, 2017

The Ace of Trumps

Do you want to know why the Deep State has to play ball with President Trump?
There is nothing to stop them killing him. Time and again Republican Presidents fall victim to Socialist henchmen.

Only... they have to keep him alive to ensure they get pardons. If they can't rely on Vice President Pence to come up with the free ride, then all the underlings holding up the spinning pyramid will be wondering what it in it for them. Sooner or later, someone is going to take a relatively minor charge and all the cards will fall.

If the Deep State gets rid of Trump or Pence there is far too much chance of the skeletons  coming out into full view. Already most of the United States is aware that too many strange things are going on to blame it all on spacemen and lizards. Sooner or later someone, not in the secret services of the American government, is going to discover what the secret weapon actually is.

Apparently Donald Rumsfeld got the idea from a guitar player in Status Quo. Status Quo guitarists are one evolutionary step up from Drummers! All those dead firemen were killed by maniacs who are more or less chimpanzees. It figures.

And the chances are that it will be possible for the average scientist to design something the average metallurgical engineer can devise. It isn't rocket science. What is going to stop someone using it to destroy a high rise or a skyscraper somewhere, ...like New York?

It is just a matter of sheer brass face and the fact that the USA is not signed up to any treaties concerned with mass murderers, that the elite are not dangling under bridges.

And THEY don't know if there is a ratification stored somewhere safe. Why do you suppose they wire-tapped him when it looked like a landslide?

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