If anyone affected by the methane gas fracking process is reading this I hope you can ignore the bad language that erupts from time to time in my previous posts as I accommodate trolls and try to deal with a major stupid.
And fail.
The internet is wider open the Dodge and full of the worst kind of detritus that can survive a civil war and there are no cattle to rustle these days. Plenty of Klansmen though. And all sorts of vigilantes.
But, taken at their worst, the arguments -or for want of a better description, the lack of scientific arguments on Usenet is not worse than you are experiencing at the hands of regulated agencies, scientific institutions, journalism and the US justice system/Big Oil.
Here for example is the litany of evidence as presented scientifically by agencies who only seek to obscure their ignorance. (Who, for example would present the information in this manner?)
Date City Mag Latitude Longitude
2011-Nov-06 Prague 5.6 35.53162 -96.77137
1952-Apr-09 El Reno 5.5 35.4 -97.8
1882-Oct-22 Bennington 4.9 34 -96
2011-Nov-08 Prague 4.8 35.5179 -96.7858
2011-Nov-05 Prague 4.8 35.53849 -96.78069
2014-Mar-30 Marshall 4.5 36.13092 -97.62912
2013-Dec-07 Arcadia Lake 4.5 35.607 -97.38468
1974-Feb-15 Beaver 4.5 36.5 -100.693
2013-Apr-16 Wellston 4.4 35.68623 -97.08884
2012-Apr-03 Pittsburg 4.4 34.63852 -95.88232
2010-Oct-13 Noble 4.4 35.17552 -97.32081
1939-Jun-01 Spalding 4.4 35 -96.4
2014-Apr-07 Langston 4.3 35.89131 -97.27518
2010-Nov-24 Luther 4.3 35.612 -97.252
1926-Jun-20 Marble City 4.3 35.6 -94.9
2014-Mar-30 Marshall 4.2 36.12546 -97.63979
2014-Apr-06 Langston 4.2 35.89019 -97.26905
2013-Apr-16 Wellston 4.2 35.68074 -97.09777
1997-Sep-06 Coalpont lake 4.2 34.676 -96.499
1959-Jun-17 NE Faxon 4.2 34.5 -98.5
2014-Feb-09 Langston 4.1 35.89254 -97.29209
2014-Apr-10 Guthrie 4.1 35.77453 -97.48264
2014-Apr-05 Marshall 4.1 36.13124 -97.63078
2013-Dec-29 Langston 4.1 35.89136 -97.29668
2010-Feb-27 Prauge 4.1 35.535 -96.757
1995-Jan-18 Antioch 4.1 34.712 -97.542
1961-Apr-27 Wilburton 4.1 34.9 -95.3
1956-Oct-30 Catoosa 4.1 36.2 -95.8
2011-Nov-06 Prauge 4.0 35.519 -96.784
2014-Mar-30 Marshall 4.0 36.13519 -97.62569
1990-Nov-15 Lindsay 4.0 34.761 -97.55
1959-Jun-15 Ada 4.0 34.8 -96.7
1929-Dec-28 El Reno 4.0 35.5 -98
Copyright © 2010 Leonard Geophysical Observatory
It is the nearest you can get to criminal obfuscation without proving intent.
What the general public wants to know (and what the specialist agencies KNOW they want to know (and ALL the vested interests listed above DON'T want you to know)) is:
2011-Nov-06 Prague 5.6 35.53162 -96.77137
2011-Nov-08 Prague 4.8 35.5179 -96.7858
2011-Nov-05 Prague 4.8 35.53849 -96.78069
2014-Mar-30 Marshall 4.5 36.13092 -97.62912
2013-Dec-07 Arcadia Lake 4.5 35.607 -97.38468
2013-Apr-16 Wellston 4.4 35.68623 -97.08884
2012-Apr-03 Pittsburg 4.4 34.63852 -95.88232
2010-Oct-13 Noble 4.4 35.17552 -97.32081
2014-Apr-07 Langston 4.3 35.89131 -97.27518
2010-Nov-24 Luther 4.3 35.612 -97.252
2014-Mar-30 Marshall 4.2 36.12546 -97.63979
2014-Apr-06 Langston 4.2 35.89019 -97.26905
2013-Apr-16 Wellston 4.2 35.68074 -97.09777
2014-Feb-09 Langston 4.1 35.89254 -97.29209
2014-Apr-10 Guthrie 4.1 35.77453 -97.48264
2014-Apr-05 Marshall 4.1 36.13124 -97.63078
2013-Dec-29 Langston 4.1 35.89136 -97.29668
2010-Feb-27 Prauge 4.1 35.535 -96.757
2011-Nov-06 Prauge 4.0 35.519 -96.784
2014-Mar-30 Marshall 4.0 36.13519 -97.62569
Of the 33 earthquakes large enough to register world-wide since records began in 1882 the year that lead up to the freezing weather that pulled the plug on cattle drives: twenty of them (20/33) 0.60606060606.
2011-Nov-08 Prague 4.8 35.5179 -96.7858
2011-Nov-05 Prague 4.8 35.53849 -96.78069
2014-Mar-30 Marshall 4.5 36.13092 -97.62912
2013-Dec-07 Arcadia Lake 4.5 35.607 -97.38468
2013-Apr-16 Wellston 4.4 35.68623 -97.08884
2012-Apr-03 Pittsburg 4.4 34.63852 -95.88232
2010-Oct-13 Noble 4.4 35.17552 -97.32081
2014-Apr-07 Langston 4.3 35.89131 -97.27518
2010-Nov-24 Luther 4.3 35.612 -97.252
2014-Mar-30 Marshall 4.2 36.12546 -97.63979
2014-Apr-06 Langston 4.2 35.89019 -97.26905
2013-Apr-16 Wellston 4.2 35.68074 -97.09777
2014-Feb-09 Langston 4.1 35.89254 -97.29209
2014-Apr-10 Guthrie 4.1 35.77453 -97.48264
2014-Apr-05 Marshall 4.1 36.13124 -97.63078
2013-Dec-29 Langston 4.1 35.89136 -97.29668
2010-Feb-27 Prauge 4.1 35.535 -96.757
2011-Nov-06 Prauge 4.0 35.519 -96.784
2014-Mar-30 Marshall 4.0 36.13519 -97.62569
Of the 33 earthquakes large enough to register world-wide since records began in 1882 the year that lead up to the freezing weather that pulled the plug on cattle drives: twenty of them (20/33) 0.60606060606.
Or to keep it simple for the folks it is intended to bamboozle:
Two thirds of them occurred in a region prone to tremors at the rate of one every ten years...
in 3 1/2 years.
1952-Apr-09 El Reno 5.5 35.4 -97.8
1882-Oct-22 Bennington 4.9 34 -96
1974-Feb-15 Beaver 4.5 36.5 -100.693
1939-Jun-01 Spalding 4.4 35 -96.4
1926-Jun-20 Marble City 4.3 35.6 -94.9
1997-Sep-06 Coalpont lake 4.2 34.676 -96.499
1959-Jun-17 NE Faxon 4.2 34.5 -98.5
1995-Jan-18 Antioch 4.1 34.712 -97.542
1961-Apr-27 Wilburton 4.1 34.9 -95.3
1956-Oct-30 Catoosa 4.1 36.2 -95.8
1990-Nov-15 Lindsay 4.0 34.761 -97.55
1959-Jun-15 Ada 4.0 34.8 -96.7
1929-Dec-28 El Reno 4.0 35.5 -98
Get it?
One every 10 years then 20 every 4.16 years.
Or, for those who like to manipulate statistics: 20 every 50 months.
My maths is pretty poor, someone can correct it I am sure but 1 every 75 days is a lot more than one every forty thousand to forty five thousand days.
Two thirds of them occurred in a region prone to tremors at the rate of one every ten years...
in 3 1/2 years.
1952-Apr-09 El Reno 5.5 35.4 -97.8
1882-Oct-22 Bennington 4.9 34 -96
1974-Feb-15 Beaver 4.5 36.5 -100.693
1939-Jun-01 Spalding 4.4 35 -96.4
1926-Jun-20 Marble City 4.3 35.6 -94.9
1997-Sep-06 Coalpont lake 4.2 34.676 -96.499
1959-Jun-17 NE Faxon 4.2 34.5 -98.5
1995-Jan-18 Antioch 4.1 34.712 -97.542
1961-Apr-27 Wilburton 4.1 34.9 -95.3
1956-Oct-30 Catoosa 4.1 36.2 -95.8
1990-Nov-15 Lindsay 4.0 34.761 -97.55
1959-Jun-15 Ada 4.0 34.8 -96.7
1929-Dec-28 El Reno 4.0 35.5 -98
Get it?
One every 10 years then 20 every 4.16 years.
Or, for those who like to manipulate statistics: 20 every 50 months.
My maths is pretty poor, someone can correct it I am sure but 1 every 75 days is a lot more than one every forty thousand to forty five thousand days.
Open up a spreadsheet and arrange them in order of magnitude by all means but keep the data in context. Rather than arranging them by largest quake forst, I'd arrange them by date:
2011-Nov-06 Prague 5.6 35.53162 -96.77137
1882-Oct-22 El Reno 5.5 35.4 -97.8
1926-Jun-20 Bennington 4.9 34 -96
1929-Dec-28 Prague 4.8 35.5179 -96.7858
1939-Jun-01 Prague 4.8 35.53849 -96.78069
1952-Apr-09 Marshall 4.5 36.13092 -97.62912
1956-Oct-30 Arcadia Lake 4.5 35.607 -97.38468
1959-Jun-15 Beaver 4.5 36.5 -100.693
1959-Jun-17 Wellston 4.4 35.68623 -97.08884
1961-Apr-27 Pittsburg 4.4 34.63852 -95.88232
1974-Feb-15 Noble 4.4 35.17552 -97.32081
1990-Nov-15 Spalding 4.4 35 -96.4
1995-Jan-18 Langston 4.3 35.89131 -97.27518
1997-Sep-06 Luther 4.3 35.612 -97.252
2010-Feb-27 Marble City 4.3 35.6 -94.9
2010-Nov-24 Marshall 4.2 36.12546 -97.63979
2010-Oct-13 Langston 4.2 35.89019 -97.26905
2011-Nov-05 Wellston 4.2 35.68074 -97.09777
2011-Nov-06 Coalpont lake 4.2 34.676 -96.499
2011-Nov-08 NE Faxon 4.2 34.5 -98.5
2012-Apr-03 Langston 4.1 35.89254 -97.29209
2013-Apr-16 Guthrie 4.1 35.77453 -97.48264
2013-Apr-16 Marshall 4.1 36.13124 -97.63078
2013-Dec-07 Langston 4.1 35.89136 -97.29668
2013-Dec-29 Prauge 4.1 35.535 -96.757
2014-Feb-09 Marshall 4.0 36.13519 -97.62569
2014-Mar-30 Lindsay 4.0 34.761 -97.55
2014-Mar-30 Ada 4.0 34.8 -96.7
2014-Mar-30 El Reno 4.0 35.5 -98
2014-Apr-05 Antioch 4.1 34.712 -97.542
2014-Apr-06 Wilburton 4.1 34.9 -95.3
2014-Apr-07 Catoosa 4.1 36.2 -95.8
2014-Apr-10 Prauge 4.0 35.519 -96.784
1882-Oct-22 El Reno 5.5 35.4 -97.8
1926-Jun-20 Bennington 4.9 34 -96
1929-Dec-28 Prague 4.8 35.5179 -96.7858
1939-Jun-01 Prague 4.8 35.53849 -96.78069
1952-Apr-09 Marshall 4.5 36.13092 -97.62912
1956-Oct-30 Arcadia Lake 4.5 35.607 -97.38468
1959-Jun-15 Beaver 4.5 36.5 -100.693
1959-Jun-17 Wellston 4.4 35.68623 -97.08884
1961-Apr-27 Pittsburg 4.4 34.63852 -95.88232
1974-Feb-15 Noble 4.4 35.17552 -97.32081
1990-Nov-15 Spalding 4.4 35 -96.4
1995-Jan-18 Langston 4.3 35.89131 -97.27518
1997-Sep-06 Luther 4.3 35.612 -97.252
2010-Feb-27 Marble City 4.3 35.6 -94.9
2010-Nov-24 Marshall 4.2 36.12546 -97.63979
2010-Oct-13 Langston 4.2 35.89019 -97.26905
2011-Nov-05 Wellston 4.2 35.68074 -97.09777
2011-Nov-06 Coalpont lake 4.2 34.676 -96.499
2011-Nov-08 NE Faxon 4.2 34.5 -98.5
2012-Apr-03 Langston 4.1 35.89254 -97.29209
2013-Apr-16 Guthrie 4.1 35.77453 -97.48264
2013-Apr-16 Marshall 4.1 36.13124 -97.63078
2013-Dec-07 Langston 4.1 35.89136 -97.29668
2013-Dec-29 Prauge 4.1 35.535 -96.757
2014-Feb-09 Marshall 4.0 36.13519 -97.62569
2014-Mar-30 Lindsay 4.0 34.761 -97.55
2014-Mar-30 Ada 4.0 34.8 -96.7
2014-Mar-30 El Reno 4.0 35.5 -98
2014-Apr-05 Antioch 4.1 34.712 -97.542
2014-Apr-06 Wilburton 4.1 34.9 -95.3
2014-Apr-07 Catoosa 4.1 36.2 -95.8
2014-Apr-10 Prauge 4.0 35.519 -96.784
There is forcing here. I won't be considered an expert witness. I might even be used in a smear campaign in order to get the statistics laughed out of court. But I can see that the loading is not sequential but composite.
Once the aquifers were charged adding more filthy water to it wouldn't cause the episodes. They were caused by the same triggering mechanisms that cause earthquakes any cycle of any century.
If they could gain access to the documentation of water use, you will find that the wells needed recharging after the quakes. It is only when charged can the earth react to the first cause.
It is not known (but it is not necessary to know) what the first cause is. My own personal beliefs may be misleading. I am sure that they can be used by interested parties to be damaging to the case as far as the innocent are concerned. I personally believe that the innocent will be the civilians who have been hurt and the criminals will be the ones who have profited.
But I am just going by the adage of "Follow the Money". In which case you could say this has all been engineered by a conspiracy of lawyers. They fight on both sides.
It is difficult to deal with stuff like this impartially. On the side of the defence for the Gas Companies, there well may be a method for alleviating this stress without causing damage -or a way of continuing the fracking business, presenting the innocent home owners with options and warnings for periods when seismic activity is highly likely.
How might this be done?