Saturday, April 04, 2015

Gas Fracking. Looking and cooking.

I have never been interested in the petroleum industry. There is no money in it for me. Nobody is going to hire me as an expert or anything. You can find sites for natural gas well by looking at a map and once you know what to look for I am out of the equation. So here is the way you do it. Gas wells are found in the centres of circular depressions that are as regular as cenotes and volcano caldera.

All you need is an aerial or an OS map. Following the contours is easy enough once you "get your eye in". Any beach will show it to you as plain as day. They are called Half Moon Bays. But any regular circular bays will have oil and/or just gas in the centre.

Or not, as the case may be.
I don't have the money to take the risk.
So I am going to die poor.
And saying what I like.

Presumably the gas fracking around Prague, Oklahoma has been going on around the clock since early 2010. So why are there earthquake spike as follows:

2011-11-06 Prague 5.6 35.5 -96.8

1882-10-22 El Reno 5.5 35.4 -97.8

1926-06-20 Bennington 4.9 34 -96.0

1929-12-28 Prague 4.8 35.5 -96.8

1939-06-01 Prague 4.8 35.5 -96.8

1952-04-09 Marshall 4.5 36.1 -97.6

1956-10-30 Arcadia Lake 4.5 35.6 -97.4

1959-06-15 Beaver 4.5 36.5 -100.7

1959-06-17 Wellston 4.4 35.7 -97.1

1961-04-27 Pittsburg 4.4 34.6 -95.9

1974-02-15 Noble 4.4 35.2 -97.3

1990-11-15 Spalding 4.4 35.0 -96.4

1995-01-18 Langston 4.3 35.9 -97.3

1997-09-06 Luther 4.3 35.6 -97.3

2010-02-27 Marble City 4.3 35.6 -94.9
2010-11-24 Marshall 4.2 36.1 -97.7
2010-10-13 Langston 4.2 35.9 -97.3

2011-11-05 Wellston 4.2 35.6 -97.1
2011-11-06 Coalpont lake 4.2 34.6 -96.5
2011-11-08 NE Faxon 4.2 34.5 -98.5

2012-04-03 Langston 4.1 35.8 -97.3

2013-04-16 Guthrie 4.1 35.7 -97.5
2013-04-16 Marshall 4.1 36.1 -97.6
2013-12-07 Langston 4.1 35.8 -97.3
2013-12-29 Prauge 4.1 35.5 -96.8

2014-02-09 Marshall 4.0 36.1 -97.6

2014-03-30 Lindsay 4.0 34.7 -97.6
2014-03-30 Ada 4.0 34.8 -96.7
2014-03-30 El Reno 4.0 35.5 -98

2014-04-05 Antioch 4.1 34.2 -97.5
2014-04-06 Wilburton 4.1 34.9 -95.3
2014-04-07 Catoosa 4.1 36.2 -95.8
2014-04-10 Prauge 4 35.5 -96.8 

Copyright © 2010 Leonard Geophysical Observatory

The majority of these events took place over a few recent years and one third of them over a century prior. They are not very large quakes. The largest of them the equivalent of a near gale. Not a strong gale, an F6 or so on the Beaufort scale. In fact there may well have been something like an F5 blowing in the area at the times of these things. So why are the last 2/3rds not more evenly spaced?

There was a force or lack of force acting with these dates. Most quakes occur in places that have no winds blowing. On meteorological charts these are cols or even actual storm fronts. Storm fronts are similar to tornado and hurricane Eyes. Periods of calm with pressures that are equally balanced. It would pay to learn what was going on in the region for those dates.

I don't have access to that data.