Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Astrology of the M.9.2 Alaska earthquake

The earthquake occurred on 27 March 1964, the planets were arrayed:

I posted this last night and went to look up the glossary of astrological terms. Specifically I was thinking of the term: Trine which I imagined related to the angle of shadow zones (that is 120 to 240 right?) And I got distracted.

The problem with action at a distance is that the whole of Newton's theories of the motion of the worlds is too unbelievable for common acceptance. And that couple with the occlusions of planets behind planets and suns we have the coupling of forces as well as resultants to contend with. It is a complex algorithm knwn as the n-body problem. (Which Newton resolve by treating the individual spheres as methematical centres. or polar points.

That leaves me with the problem of when to decide which planets stop empowering others. The problem is one of acceleration to the neighbour or deceleration from it; as well as determining if a sphere hidden behind the other sphere in a 3-body  system adds to the pul or remains neutral.

I rather think that the action of a New Moon type problem eases the attraction on  both the outer masses as the central one is realigned to preserve the balance.
In other words when they form a line the central character moves to the centre. When they form a triangle all bodies shift together.

If you allow the forces do that then the diminishing distances allow for two to operate on a third, the more distant will move the most to ammodate a pair actig together (assuming equal diameters and masses.)

With a ten body problem the matter becomes more than juggling ten bodies. You are juggling ten bodies that react to one another on a sliding scale where the attraction is the square of the distance

It is an impossible conundrum, one that acquired a computer to resolve in 1975.
So why have I waited so long to attempt resolution?

Why didn't you?
OK I am rather slow. But there is an whole bored of experts on the scientific groups I post to. See what they post on See what the trolls (now missing) on sci.geo.earthquakes once busied themselves with. At least I am now making the effort.

Trine adjective.
1. Threefold; triple.
2. Of or relating to an astrologically favorable positioning of two celestial bodies 120° apart.

There are 26 pages of mostly shit in this glossary, if I cover one a day it will be August by the time I finish.


Anaretic Degree (Anaretic Place)

  1. The 30th degree (29°00'–29°59') of any Sign. It is also known as the degree of fate. Planets and other factors that occupy the anaretic degree reveal deep issues which generate significant trials in life.
  2. The degree wherein the Anareta is found, according to DeVore.
  3. The terms of the infortunes are also known as Anaretic DegreesI can
I have no idea what that means but time and again distances between interesting signals are multiples of 15 degrees.
I cans whistle through a page if I if I ignore the stuff that doesn't make sense or can't understand also a lot of Astrologers had names beginning with A so they can remain dead for now.

Meteorological Astrology. Weather prediction, including prediction of storms, floods, cold spells, etc., using ancient astrological methods. Kepler himself was an expert in this field, having kept meticulous meteorological records for decades, matching them with planetary aspects, and publishing weather predictions in some of his almanacs. 
Average Daily Motion
The average motion of a planet over a 24 hour period. [I wasn't going to copy-pate this but this is interesting] Travelling slower than average is held to be a debility. {what constitutes a debility?}
Angular bearing of a celestial object measured in degrees on the horizon from the north point, relative to the position of an observer. It was formerly measured from the south point, but the advantages of this are negated when in the southern hemisphere.