Thursday, July 06, 2017

Astrology of the M.9.1 Banda Atjeh earthquake

8.1north of Macquarie Island2004-12-23 14:59

The  Indian Ocean earthquake occurred at 01:00 UTC on 26 December 2004 off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The shock had a moment magnitude of 9.1–9.3 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent).

The undersea megathrust earthquake was caused when the Indian Plate was subducted by the Burma Plate and triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing 230,000–280,000 people in 14 countries, and inundating coastal communities with waves up to 30 metres (100 ft) high.

30 meter tidal waves are relatively common in northern latitudes at Spring Tides. The official explanation for tides: Nonsense.

Magnitude <7.0 (more than 7.0) is a large earthquake.
Magnitude <5.5 to 6.~something, is considered medium.
Magnitudes of less that 4.5 are generally unreported world-wide because of the difficulties in harmonising the data.
I don't like to use the term minor or small because even relatively small earthquakes can kill those who live in poorly built housing.

I consider magnitude <5.5 significant because after such magnitudes it is often noted that Tropical Storms appear. I have no explanation for this except that a giant seiche (tidal wave) might be formed with such magnitudes that may allow a diversion in the Warm Pool that leads to a temperature rise high enough to cause a moisture saturation that initiates recovery.
Moron Warm Pools. (Beware fake news it may be theory dressed up as fact.)

In my case (working well outside academic, acceptances possibly in the nut-job spectrum) what I dois chance my ideas and hold nothing back especially if it seems logical and leads to more such ideas and logical explanations.
My one saving grace is that I can't bear to be wrong.

Following the Banda Atjeh 'quake there were no reports of any earthquake in any other regions for a considerable time (several days.) I presume that the reason was the earth was too full of the residual shock waves for other earthquakes to register. At least that is the only logical explanation for those who still hold the idea that subduction and strain in the aesthenosphere is the cause of earthquakes.

As any fool could guess a violent shaking will relieve any stress or strains built up over stupids of years the way that shaking a tin full of stones will bring the largest to the surface. An alternative theory is that the root cause of earthquakes can short circuit everything else and allow the energy to defuse through one epicentre.

This obliges me to search out the root cause. You can do what you like and believe all you wish. If there is only one god how many truths can there be?


Benefic Aspects
Major Benefic aspects are sextile (60°) trine (120°) Conjunction (0°) can be benefic. Minor aspects usually considered benefic are semi-sextile (30°) quintile (72°) bi-quintile (144°).
There are other benefic aspects, but these are the most widely used.
Black Moon
Also known as Dark Moon, or Lilith, a sensitive point that can be calculated from the Moon's orbit around the Earth. The Moon's orbit is not circular, but slightly elliptical – and an ellipse has two foci. The Earth travels in one focus [The barycentre] the other is empty, but has been designated as the Black Moon. Used by some modern astrologers. 
Blue Moon
When a Full Moon occurs twice in the same sign in any given year, the second of the two Full Moons is called a Blue Moon. This phenomenon has been misunderstood to mean a second Full Moon in a calendar month. 
Bode's Law
Hypothesis originated by German astronomers
Johann Daniel Titius and Johann Elert Bode in 1766-68 that bodies in orbital systems orbit at semi-major axes in an exponential function of planetary sequence. This formula fits the spacing of the then-known visible planets and led to the discovery of Uranus (1781) and Ceres (1801), but did not fit for Neptune (although it predicts that Neptune should be where Pluto is found in the sequence). It fits the formulæ expressed in the geometric key.