Mauna Kea Weather Center Disclaimer:
The MKWC is a weather research and forecast facility funded by the astronomical observatories on Mauna Kea; it is not a government-provided service like the National Weather Service (NWS).
The general public is welcome to use the MKWC, but should be aware that its primary mission is to support the observatories and that the funding level does not permit the same level of service or reliability that one expects from a publicly-funded facility, such as the National Weather Service.
We welcome constructive comments from all MKWC users, and strive to provide the best possible service consistent with our mission and resources. Occasionally, products will not be available because of hardware/software difficulties. In such cases we are aware of the trouble and your patience is appreciated.

Michael McNeil
Subject: Model data

Your North Pacific sea level forecasts are in my top 3 "go to" sites in the world. Can you please tell me how much work goes into their preparation?
You state that the funding only allows you minimal interference with the raw data, can you give me some idea how the charts are prepared (and hopefully tell me how they will never be "improved".)
I am fairly serious about that last bit, I am sure perfecting you model with improvements and refinements will spoil it for me. I was looking through your archive hoping to find something along the lines of the reanalysis project stored on your servers. Not that I wan't them reworked so much as re-presented.
If you have stored previous forecasts they will prove a valuable commodity one day. I won't tell you what I am doing with them for fear you will consider me a crank. Thanks for allowing us access to your stuff.