Wednesday, November 06, 2013

To be or not to be, how is the question.

My present blog is Opera. They are going to stop the service 5 months from now. I tried migrating to WordPress but am unhappy with the format. Maybe I should give it time to get used to but I was hopelessly upset by the way it handles images.

Opera was brilliant for uploading charts. You could send any amunt of them in all at once with their kit. I couldn't get my head around whatever Word Press was doing. So now I am here.

If I have to upload images one at a time, I won't be staying.
I am toying with the idea of setting up a complete book to cover a months worth of chart data and sell that online if I can. That would be a possible income from every month.

That is; if I compose a book from all the geo-phenomena that occurs in a month, I will have something interesting to publish and perhaps ask a fiver for every month. If that works out, I should be an happy chappy. I can't see how it could be more work than writing a blog -which should be updated daily.

I must admit I am somewhat lax in the writing but if I was getting paid for it, it would be a different proposition.
A PAYING proposition.

I think a month's worth of charts has to be worth a fiver, even without the commentary I would supply. The trouble is that the charts are not my property. I know the Met Office would kick up a stink about the copyrights but I should be able to bypass them by using charts from the USA.

Oddly, for the land of grasping and greed, their meteorological agencies have a surprising and refreshing socialist view of these things. Here's health to all, god bless us; please.