Friday, November 17, 2017


Back of the Virginia Clemenses is a dim procession of ancestors stretching back to Noah's time. According to tradition, some of them were pirates and slavers in Elizabeth's time. But this is no discredit to them, for so were Drake and Hawkins and the others. It was a respectable trade, then, and monarchs were partners in it.

In my time I have had desires to be a pirate [never slaves, I wonder why] myself. The reader—if he will look deep down in his secret heart, will find—but never mind what he will find there; I am not writing his Autobiography, but mine.

Later, according to tradition, one of the procession was Ambassador to Spain in the time of James I, or of Charles I, and married there and sent down a strain of Spanish blood to warm us up. Also, according to tradition, this one or another—Geoffrey Clement, by name—helped to sentence Charles to death.

I intend that this autobiography shall become a model for all future autobiographies when it is published, after my death, and I also intend that it shall be read and admired a good many centuries because of its form and method—a form and method whereby the past and the present are constantly brought face to face, resulting in contrasts which newly fire up the interest all along, like contact of flint with steel.

Moreover, this autobiography of mine does not select from my life its showy episodes, but deals mainly in the common experiences which go to make up the life of the average human being, because these episodes are of a sort which he is familiar with in his own life, and in which he sees his own life reflected and set down in print.

The usual, conventional autobiographer seems to particularly hunt out those occasions in his career when he came into contact with celebrated persons, whereas his contacts with the uncelebrated were just as interesting to him, and would be to his reader, and were vastly more numerous than his collisions with the famous.

This was a lot of wind. All I have ever done worth doing is chase after the wind.

The earth was a blank chaos, and there was darkness over the surface of the deep; and God’s Spirit was hovering over the surface of the waters.And God said “Let there be light,” and there was light.

All human history is here. Fortunately the arch spinner knows about our need for brevity. This is his explanation of us:

And God said “Let there be lights in the firmament of the sky to part the day from the night, and let them be for signs and dates and days and years, and for lights in the firmament of the sky to give light on the earth”; and it was so.

This bit is important: part the day from the night.

That bit is important because that is how it happens all the time.

And this is how it is for the rest of it: ...for signs and dates and days and years
More correctly:
...and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years

That nuance is about spin, the version I was originally using has spin too, the second quote is more exact. It is all about spin. Trust me, god knows all about spin. And he knows how these things unfold. Learn about spin.
Learn all you can, concentrate on little else.
I have the idea you will find it useful. Couple it with god's spirit and you won't go far wrong.

Did you ever wonder why the first tropical storm of the series is always a small one?
Don't worry, I am not going to tell you why. I don't know why. I can guess why, in fact I think it is obvious. Simple meteorology:
Small spins grow into bigger ones. Something to do with heat engines.

I suppose you are going to have to trust me on this again. Like you always do right?

Just kidding; I know you are hanging on my words like your lives depended on them, they might be, if you live in Southern Asia. The good news is that if you live in Asia you may have some abilities with astrology. If so you may be able to save yourselves, "wisdom of the ancients" and that sort of thing:

Say goodbye to today's eruption. Lets call this one Gwladys for old time's sake.

Because, here comes the next one ready or not.

By now you know what to look for the saddle opening. Now stop being silly and just look will you!

When the warm and cold fronts in an occluded front separate, the warm ones go north and the cold ones come to me. Not really. Just kidding again. Anyway who says I want them. They give me the creeps.

Seriously, I get the chills from them. I need a nurse to keep me warm. You think you have problems with tinnitus?
Wait until you are gifted.

Anyway the next one is a Cat. 3 or if you see mares tails a Cat. 4 or 5. I think you get to see the mares tails because the sky clears enough to let you.

I nearly forgot to tell you why being Asian is a good thing right now: The previous storm was along the same track, so if you know enough about astronomy you can find out what the solar system was doing on this occasion and by interpretation, all the other occasions when a storm tracked over Southern China or Indo-China, rather than head north like they usually do.

Sorry about the flooding but at least you have Socialism and can spend all your budget as you see fit where you see fit. Not like us capitalists who have to make a fortune, each and every one of us, before we can ever get our real problems fixed. Thank goodness for Marks, eh?

If you enjoy things that go bump in the night, you will enjoy this and enjoy knowing why:

This well formed line-out is crossed by the run down the east, more or less.
I think a Magnitude <7 is on the cards.

Should I hope I'm wrong?

Look at this big sucker:

And of course you know how it got there from this:

And built or dropped (I should say) or spun down, maybe?
To this this:

Unless you just got here from Facebook, in which case you may need to root around a bit: for example.

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