Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Great River of Great Rivers

After I wrote this:
But what kind of a river is it?

One kind is a river of water.
Another kind is a river of people
Another is a river of resources

I wrote this:
I can't think of another one unless you can have a river of history where the  river of empires flowed.
Another is a river of persuasion and now I think I know what it is:

And asked god to tell me what it is. I went out and I learned that I am going to be on kidney dialysis in a couple of years time, so I am looking at the end of my days soon after besides sitting in a room on dialysis four hours three days a week. Plenty of time for composing blogs.
In which I promise not to lie to you.

So far I have done my best to be as honest as I can. I have not tried to get any money from all of this as anyone can tell. I have been afraid of losing the supply of spirit the way Baalam did when he taught the empire that opposed the invasion of the Promised Land:

Numbers 22-24, 31; Jude 1:11; 2 Peter 2:15.

Balaam, a sorcerer, was summoned by King Balak of the Moabites to curse the Israelites as Moses was leading them toward Canaan. Balak promised to pay Balaam handsomely for bringing evil upon the Hebrews, whom he feared.
In the night God came to Balaam, telling him not to curse the Israelites. 

Balaam sent the king's messengers away.Balaam did, however, go with a second set of Balak's messengers after being warned by God to "only do what I tell you."

On the way, Balaam's donkey saw the angel of God standing in their path, brandishing a sword. The donkey turned, drawing a beating from Balaam. The second time the animal saw the angel, she pressed against a wall, crushing Balaam's foot. Again he beat the donkey. The third time the donkey saw the angel, she lay down under Balaam, who beat her severely with his staff.

At that, the Lord opened the donkey's mouth and it said to Balaam, "What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?" (Numbers 22:28, NIV)
After Balaam argued with the beast, the Lord opened the sorcerer's eyes so he too could see the angel. The angel scolded Balaam and ordered him to go to Balak but to speak only what God told him.

The king took Balaam to several mountains, ordering him to curse the Israelites on the plains below, but instead the sorcerer gave four oracles, repeating God's covenant of blessing on the Hebrew people.

Finally Balaam prophesied the deaths of pagan kings and a "star" that would come out of Jacob.
Balak sent Balaam home, angry that he had blessed rather than cursed the Jews. Later, the Jews warred against Midian, killing their five kings. They also put Balaam to death by the sword.

It is hard to believe that people could stand up alone to angels and act so rashly. I know I would be too scared to do so. Yet I have stood up to nay-sayers -some of them experts and told them off for lying or/and failing to stand up to the truth -but anyone can do that with an Internet connection. I have never had to meet them face to face.

Speaking of those fools: I completely apologise for swearing at the bloody stupid bastards. I should not have abused them and served to put them off me and what I had to say. I am sorry I did all of those things.!topic/

Now back to the narrative What is the The Great River of Great Rivers:
One kind is a river of water.
Another kind is a river of people
Another is a river of resources
I wrote this:
I can't think of another one unless you can have a river of history where the river of empires flowed Another is a river of persuasion and now I think I know what it is: The river of persuasion and I think I know what it is:

The great river of the Euphrates is a river of lies. The first river was the actual Euphrates, the source of World War 1 when Churchill attempted to dam the flow of oil from it, the Germans invaded -quite rightly for laws of engagement: If you hold it, don't be afraid to take on all comers or lose it.

And the second river is as the first, a stream of commerce. This time it is extended out to the ends of the earth.

The third is streams of people with world travel being cheap. I suppose you could say the Internet is another great river along with it.

But thinking back to when I was wondering about the older empires: It occurred to me the river could be the River of Lies that has streamed steadily out of the channels of politics to ensure that truth is kept secret. And it worked for a time. But those days are over.

Even the United Nation of Liars is facing opposition from all comers. They have lost the war of liars because simple truths are undeniable when you lift the lid. And today all the lids are OFF.

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