Friday, September 22, 2017

Beware Militias bearing gifts

I doubt this is the start of the round up:

In fact the soldier may be innocently guarding a much needed bag from the enemy. In which case I commend him for being in a difficult spot, armed to the teeth ready, to do business.

However if he is from NASA with a packet of disinformation about Glowballs then someone is going to be sorry for a very long time. It is well known from Killinger through Bust to Clingon that any military initiatives taken by the YSA? are full metal jacketed slugs with negative impact.

And that whilst the Commies in Havana sent doctors and nurses to Haiti. Hillary sent kidnappers, miscreants, killers and child molesters to help them get rich quick. The kidnappers, miscreants, killers and child molesters that is.

It would be nice to imagine that Donald Trump along with messages of good fortune, is not cut from the same cloth.
Obviously one would not expect to find revelations of then Man fromDelmonte having anything to do with the FIBers if only to save your repulsion at being shouted at by gloating liars with bad combovers.

But if you know anything about recent history especially that of the Five Liars, you will have a good idea how this is interrelated as far back as the Thatcher years. The era of Thatcher was when the separate groups of geo-science called Meteorology and the Flower-People were blended to nogoodness as the Forces of Dickness at Braknell were removed to Exitdoor and replaced by the British Fk News from East Angle. So even if you want to make a point of not learning anything about what is going on these days, so long as you maintain an interest in earth-science, you are going to get rocked between the ayes.
(I just but there is a lot of unpalatable truth my  humour.)

Yesterday I told you about cyclones with holes in them spreading themselves over the Southern Ocean. Today you can watch as the deep Low at 65 South sweeps through the five day wave:

Bear in mind that as Australia rocks between 1001 millibars:

And 1032 Millibars a world of darkness is ascending down there:

And with it, quite a bit of kangaroo geomorphology. And you thought it was all sunshine?

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