Sunday, December 03, 2017


When a giant cyclone encases Antarctica:

It means god loves us and cares for lost souls whose lives are as miserable as mine that finds us out in the middle of the night looking for signs.

So do you suppose he will tell us before too long what the hell they mean?
I don't want to be pushy and give the idea I don't love this job, but some sort of an idea would help. Is it where the inner cores set up?

Isobars crossing into the region of the Antarctic anticyclones, perhaps?
Something to ponder as I fall asleep, no doubt.

"There is no way to predict how this eruption will evolve. It may dampen down or evolve into a very big eruption.
The last major eruption of this volcano started on January 18, 1963 and ended January 27, 2017. It had Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of 5 (out of 7) and was responsible for deaths of nearly 1 600 people."

When I was three score years or so I wanted to understand, what contamination defined pronunciation in a distant land.
My father died, my mother too, shit happens they passed, so will me and you.

No man understands Popocatapetl it was once safe to say.
Nor who what vectors stream.No man had heard the master's voice, nor far-off trumpets scream.

Another three score; how had Agung stolen them away?
The great river Great River roars an hurricane pours
And now I have this to say:

The four horsemen are a myriad Myriad strong and the penance thy bring is not everlasting destruction, merely a timely warning to wash away errors, or do you imagine Jehovah and Son have waited all this time just to kill mankind?

It is to help us they ride, The Apocalypse is a message of salvation and the signal for great enlightenment. But let me tell you how Gog and Magog work; they are the sword that once sat at the entrance to Eden. In the same way the British Emperor wears the finest of finery so light that only a child can't see it. And his daughter was immune to all but peeping Tom, when she rode out.

But there was once a British Empire, in case anyone doubts and it grew to be the formidable one of the Kings that were from the North, British, the French and the German, back in the day when they were all the same seed.

And it is true that the kings of Cornwall held the tin from which all copper weapons were made and he went on to be the King of the Sixth Head of the Image that was foretold by Daniel that was Bel Tsar from a dream that Nebuco had.

I am sorry about this mythalogicalology nonsense but the mindless prostution of thoughtful idiots on places like for example Reddit: beggars belief.

Even as late in the history of the iron age as the Israelite Kings, the Ideal tools were wood and stone. Such weapons were an easily garnered utility that could be fashioned by the "home team" for a hastily raised militia who only required leadership and a knowledge of the local conditions to control the logistics of a battle.

Up until the middle of the 19th century Iron was a superior weapon if it was made of the Damamascene process which is why the Land of the Promise was promised to contain iron rather than copper or bronze. It made no diference to the arrowsmith if his arrows were tipped with brass or iron.

What mattered with arrows is that they couldn't be sent back by the enmy before being reworked.

Nor was the prospect of carting stone half-bricks and discusses over long distances inland considered a logistical technique for winners, where even a rudimentary castle was all the home side needed to rally to while the invading troops ran out of water.

A steel blade could be forged out of a bar of iron and a bar of nickel/iron alloy but such a short range weapon was not a WMD against a militia with wooden spears, backed up with bows carrying half a dozen stones. And although an iron tool of that kind could be fashioned by the village black-smith such a weapon was an expensive tool, compared to a bow and a box of arrows.

What is needed to act against the army of cavalry described in The Book of Revelation is the weaponry we have seen on display in the Navy of Texas militiamen who by force of arms stood againt the forces of darkness arrayed against them: NEIGHBORLINESS.

It is a weapon against which nuclear armament fails. And it is a weapon that the Midwestern states is famous for! And is those that use it who wield the rod of iron by which the person in overall command of the Christians is making a judgement of the sheep and the goats.

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