Sunday, October 01, 2017

Wiley Coyote and angel's wings

I have just been reading the comments on Youtube about the structure of wings in collapse. There was a link to a counterpoint with fiery red hot steel alongside black smouldering smoke.

(Correction: I looked at the video earlier and thought I was looking at glowing steel. Since then I have seen the blow-up but even so it doesn't look like burning jet fuel to me but what do I know?
At a few hundred feet up the wind will be stronger than my experience allows comment on.)

Anyone that knows anything about red-hot steel realises instantly that the amount of heat taken to raise cold steel to red, not cherry red but fire-engine red would force the black smothering smoke along side it (in a draught along side it) to flare red or blue depending on the particles in it.

Obviously there was going to be no conclusion drawn by fakirs because they didn't want anyone around to draw things (any things.)

But we are living in the "magical time of the end" so people can draw anything they wish to. The Great River has been unchained for more than 17 years this month so let us talk about the waterfall:

A Great River, any great river, is full of debris; the smallest particle of debris is talc. Talcum powder is one of the softest chemicals it is a kind of clay that is produced by volcanoes. River sediment made of it scours everywhere. Scouring powder is used to polish metal and clean sanitary ware. It is also known as cutting paste.

This is an "end product", volcanoes are thus an end product. And we are back to the angels unleashing things once more.

I was once associated with a religion that was as scouring as that. People change. It is never too late to be sorry; fat good it may do. But one can try.

While I was still pushing this religion, I was taken by the idea that maybe there was an alternative place to go. Apparently there is but you have to go there on your own when the spirit takes you. It's your shit, nobody else can wipe you clean, that is what the water is for. And now here I am with an alternative point of view.

You have learned about Jesus, now consider the way that he operates. Be patient and see. (It is all about seeing!) I wondered what would happen if Jesus has the power to forgive Satan.

When you have a mind like mine you can't stop it thinking things. Sometimes you occasionally follow them. Thoughts like that are not the sorts of things you control. You can always stop thinking but it is still a mind that you are pleased with. It does work very well in certain specifics. (Typing is not its strong point nor is remembering to take my tablets....)

But it always turns up with a sense of humour, the bastard!
Sometimes I think I would like to think like a normal person. Fortunately I have always come to my senses.

So, does Jesus have the power to forgive Satan?
Who is Satan. Is he a unit or a composite?
That is the trouble with the spirit, you never know what you are taking for granted.

What if Satan is any agency designed for destructive analysis?
Or maybe he is the "Chief of Destruction Engineering"?

Well then he is bloody good at it. Think of all the fantastic things he has shown us. ....That we don't really want.
What we really want, what we have always wanted is what Christ wants. How do we go for it?
I always forget.

There was a point I remember that I wanted to make with this blog as I started writing but my memory faded. Something about blame and sin and water and forgiveness. I will try to tie them up again:

All this water that has been released, this scouring fluid comes from the Euphrates a figment of the past that makes a lot of sense when you delve deeply into the religious stuff. Like I did, I was trying to puzzle all this stuff out and make the pieces fit. You don't make the pieces fit. God makes the pieces fit -not you nor anyone else.

We like to blame others for our failures, trouble loves company and when you are in an hole it feels comfortable to have someone in it there besides you.
Until they come for you.

How did god know Adam had sinned?
Because he was ashamed and guilty so wearing covering?
Or because he blamed his wife for his problems?

How do you think his wife felt about him after that?
What an absolute shit?
Or did she understand?
"It wasn't me it was that snake you let talk to me!"

Well some days he was lucky they hadn't invented scissors yet, and some days it was OK, I suppose. I shouldn't think that she was deliriously happy with him the way she had been at times. I am not a woman, so I have no idea. I'm just guessing.

If I was a woman I'd kick him in the nuts once a month; at least.

So they wondered around around the river, the centre of their world on their shoulders. Looking out for thorns whatever they were. Probably spiky, sticky things made of vegetables. Learning about life until they realised death.

And all the water waiting to flow under a bridge once they invented them. It's always been a part of human life, the seasons the dry and the wet stuff. From the annoying puddles filled with gnats to the Great River systems with floating crocodiles, barns washing away, tidal waves and the rest of it.

And under it all, the scouring, ageing, illnesses. And we got used to it. The great cities rose and fell and the businesses came and went. So did the news along with the fake news. We've always had fake news; who do you think killed Jesus?

Then he came back, Jesus did, opened a small shop giving advice to people who asked questions. One or two at first then more and more. Then something changed, the time for contemplating errors was over. I don't know exactly when. But everyone has been hoping for it all of our lives. It had to come some time. I think we are well along in it. Along the end time.

So where is the dividing line and is it plainly visible and what happens if we don't cross over?
I've got the opinion and it's just an opinion, there is no clear-cut dividing line between the living and the dead. Those that have life are still in the water those that are not living are in it too. Just that some of us are clean and some of us are stranded in the mud.

I think it is just a matter of time until we realise that we should better ourselves by getting into the cleaner water. I think it will apply to us all, eventually as soon as we are taught to be wiser. It is all we really need isn't it?
We all long to be better.

Don't we?

Do you want a sign?

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